Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 August 2008
It seems fair to say that we are enmeshed in an Age of Reconstruction. Whatever groans the shibboleth of ‘authenticity’ may elicit from musicians and musicologists, the film industry's leap for the bandwagon is proof of the principle that Period Pieces Pay. Of the recent spate of feature films set in the eighteenth century, one in particular has marketed itself through its reconstructive credentials. The technologies that allow us to remodel our bodies, and revive old recordings on compact disc, also allowed the makers of Farinelli, Il Castrato to reach back and breathe new life into the voice of the long-dead castrati.
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14 Byrom, , Private Journal, 1.2 (2 04 1729), 349.Google Scholar
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18 Jones, Stephen, ed., Biographia Dramatica, 406.Google Scholar
19 Recent studies of the problems of London's opera seria include Campbell, Jill, ‘ “When Men Women Turn”: Gender Reversals in Fielding's Plays’, The New Eighteenth Century, ed. Nussbaum, Felicity and Brown, Laura (New York, 1987), 62–83;Google ScholarCervantes, Xavier, ‘ ’Tuneful Monsters”: Les Castrats et le Publique Lyrique Londonien au début du XVIIIe Siècle’, Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, 39 (11, 1994), 227–54;CrossRefGoogle ScholarKowaleski-Wallace, Beth, ‘Shunning the Bearded Kiss: Castrati and the Definition of Female Sexuality’, Prose Studies, 15/2 (08, 1992), 153–70;CrossRefGoogle ScholarMcGeary, Thomas, ‘Gendering Opera: Italian Opera as the Feminine Other in Britain, 1700–1742’, Journal of Musicologkal Research, 14 (1994), 17–34;CrossRefGoogle Scholarand McGeary, , ‘ “Warbling Eunuchs”: Opera, Gender, and Sexuality on the London Stage, 1705–1742’, Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Theater Research, 2nd ser. 7/1 (Summer, 1992), 1–22.Google ScholarMcGeary, has also written persuasively on opera and politics; see his ‘Shaftesbury on Opera, Spectacle and Liberty’, Music & letters, 74 (1993), 530–41.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
20 McGeary, , ‘ “Warbling Eunuchs” ’, 1.Google Scholar
21 Campbell, , ‘ “When Men Women Turn” ’, 63.Google Scholar
22 The Contre Temps; or the Rival Queans (London, 1727);Google ScholarAn Epistle from S—r S—o to S—a F—a [London, 1727];Google ScholarAn Epistle from Signora F-a to a Lady [London, 1727];Google ScholarF-NAs Answer to S-NO [London, 1727].Google Scholar
23 An Epistle from Signora F-a to a Lady, 7.Google Scholar
24 F-NAs Answer to S-NO, 7.Google Scholar
25 Ibid., 6.
26 Onania: or, the Heinous Sin of Self-Pollution, 16th edn (London, 1737), 7.Google Scholar
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28 The most extended and explicit figuring of a bestial humanity in the works discussed here can be found in The Connoisseur. A Satire on the Modem Men of Taste (London, [1735]).Google ScholarGuilhamet, Leon, Satire and the Transformation of Genre (Philadelphia, 1987),CrossRefGoogle Scholarpresents a sophisticated study of the ‘monstrosity’ of satire, as do Stallybrass, Peter and White, Allon in ‘The Grotesque Body and the Smithfield Muse: Authorship in the Eighteenth Century’, The Politics and Poetics of Transgression (London, 1986), 80–124.Google Scholar
29 The Contre Temps, 11.Google Scholar
30 The Connoisseur, 18, 11.Google Scholar
31 The Happy Courtesan: Or, the Prude Demolish'd. An Epistle from the Celebrated Mrs C— P— to the Angelick Signior Far-n—li (London, 1735), 8, 13.Google Scholar
32 F-NAs Answer to S-NO, 8.Google Scholar
33 The Happy Courtesan, 13.Google Scholar
34 For general background see Stone, Lawrence, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England, 1500–1800 (London, 1977).Google ScholarOn the political implications, see Pocock, J. G. A., The Machiavellian Moment Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition (Princeton, N.J., 1975), Chapters 13 and 14;Google ScholarKramnick, Isaac, Bolingbroke and his Circle: The Politics of Nostalgia in the Age of Walpole (Cambridge, Mass., 1968);Google ScholarDickinson, H. T., Liberty and Property: Political Ideology in Eighteenth-Century Britain (London, 1977);Google ScholarGunn, J. A. W., Beyond Liberty and Property: The Process of Self-Recognition in Eighteenth-Century Political Thought (Kingston, 1983);Google ScholarGoldsmith, M. M., Private Vices, Public Benefits: Bernard Mandeville's Social and Political Uought (Cambridge, 1985).Google Scholar
35 Kramnick, , Bolingbroke and his Circle, provides the best discussion of early eighteenth-century opposition to individualism.Google Scholar
36 Dennis, John, ‘An Essay on the Operas after the Italian Manner’, in Select Works, 2 vols. (London, 1718), I, 457–62.Google Scholar
37 Brown, John, An Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Time (London, 1757), 67, 158.Google Scholar
38 Hume, David, ‘Of Luxury’, Political Discourses (London, 1752),Google Scholarcited in Sambrook, James, The Eighteenth Century: The Intellectual and Cultural Context of English Literature, 1700–1789 (London, 1986), 106. Hume here follows a version of Bernard Mandeville's famous and highly provocative argument that any vice which kept the economy growing was good; see The Fable of the Bees, or Private Vices, Publick Benefits (1714–29). For a summary of Mandeville, see Sambrook, 103–6.Google Scholar
39 Kramnick, , Bolingbroke and his Circle, passim.Google Scholar
40 Brown, , Estimate, 111–12.Google Scholar
41 Sambrook, , The Eighteenth Century, 106.Google Scholar
42 Barish, Jonas, The Anti-Theatrical Prejudice (Berkeley, 1981).Google ScholarRaven, James has a particularly good discussion on commerce, luxury and fashionable behaviour; Judging New Wealth: Popular Publishing and Responses to Commerce in England 1750–1800 (Oxford, 1992), 157–82.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
43 The Happy Courtesan, 13.Google Scholar
44 The Prompter, 14 November 1735; Brown, Dissertation on … Music, 205; On Operas. ‘These lines were written, during the Dispute whether such Entertainments ought to be exhibited, in a time of actual Rebellion.’ [n.p., n.d. 1715?]; The Prompter, 4 December 1734.Google Scholar
45 Woof, Lawrence, ‘Italian Opera and English Oratorio as Cultural Discourses within Eighteenth-Century English Literature, with particular reference to the Novels of Samuel Richardson and Fanny Burney’ (D.Phil, diss., Oxford University, 1994), 88.Google Scholar
46 North, Roger, Roger North on Music, ed. Wilson, John (London, 1959), 222, 162.Google Scholar
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49 The Woman of Taste (London, 1733), 7.Google Scholar
50 Bardies, Roland, S/Z, trans. Miller, Richard(New York, 1974), 109–10.Google Scholar
51 The Plain Dealer, xxvi (19 06 1724); cited in Woof, ‘Italian Opera’, 60.Google Scholar
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53 Harmony in an Uproar. A LETTER to T-d-k H-d-l, Esq … FROM Hurlothrumbo Johnson (London, 1733).Google Scholar
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