Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 December 2011
Applied to Britain and the First Partition, Campbell's “unwept” is perhaps misleading. Through five generations, despite much European slandering of the Poles, Britain always condemned Dismemberment. In 1772, when three Great Powers completed that “suicide of the old Europe” which the seizure of Silesia had begun, Burke styled their operations “fatal to the rights of mankind.” In the language of diplomacy, Suffolk's “disagreeable” sounds hardly less emphatic. The First Partition, we must remember, was a blow to France, struck by the group to which Britain looked for allies against the natural enemy. Yet our minister in Poland spoke unequivocally of “all this mischief,” and ascribed it to Frederick, the Satan of those behind the scenes. Voltaire, to whom the persecuting Poles were as odious as the persecuting French, sent Catherine the most ambiguous of congratulations. His heroine, he declared, had undertaken a task more useful and noble even than the expulsion of the Turks—that of destroying anarchy in Poland “en rendant a chacun ce que chacun croît lui appartenir, et en commençant par elle-même.” But Suffolk's official utterance was more pungent still. “Le Roi,” he replied to the ministers of the partitioning Powers,” veut bien supposer que les trois cours sont convaincues de la justice de leurs preventions respectives.”
1 [Public Record Office], S[tate] Pfapers], Poland, 104, Wroughton to Suffolk, 22 Aug. 1772.
2 Voltaire to Catherine, 29 mai 1772. Cf. Reddaway, Documents [of Catherine the Great], p. 162.
3 Suffolk to Harris, 2 Oct. 1772. Printed in [Russian Imperial Historical Society], Sbornik, xix, 310. Photostats received from Moscow since printing show that Catherine's Minister in London informed her that the Partition had impressed the English unfavourably. He advised a manifesto explaining its necessity. He warmly praised Suffolk's personal friendliness and insisted that Britain feared Prussia less than she distrusted France. (Musin-Pushkin to the Empress, 6 Oct. 1772; to Panin, 30 Ap. 1773, both N.S.; and passim.)
4 S.P. Russia, 77, Conway to Macartney, 19 Dec. 1766.
5 Collyer, [Despatches…of]Buckingham[shire], II, 91. George III to the Elector of Saxony, 25 octobre 1763, and cf. Martens, Recueil [des Traités et Conventions], IX (x), 224 et passim.
6 De Mouy, Correspondence [inédite du roi Stanislas…et demadame Geoffrin], p. 63.
7 Fred[eric] II, Pol[itische] Corr[espondenz], XXVIII, 463.
8 Coxe, Travels [into Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark], I, 148 (2nd ed. 1785).
9 Macdonell, Napoleon and his marshals, p. 136.
10 S.P. Poland, 92, Wroughton to Grafton, 16 April 1766.
11 S.P. Poland, 91, Wroughton to Sandwich, 14 Aug. 1765, and Grafton to Wroughton, 29 Sept. 1765.
12 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Sandwich, 5 Oct. 1763.
13 S.P. Russia, 80, Cathcart to Rochford, 4 Jan. 1769.
14 S.P. Poland, 91, Wroughton to Sandwich, 10 Feb. 1765.
15 Lord, Second Partition of Poland, p. 24.
16 Despréaux, Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 1931, p. 49.
17 De Mouy, Correspondance, p. 379, 4 août 1770.
18 Coxe, Travels, I, 153.
19 Annual Register for 1767, p. 7.
20 S.P. Russia, 68, Keith to Holdernesse, I Jan. 1760.
21 Cf. S.P. Russia, 68, Bute to Keith, 9 June 1761, and Fred. Pol. Corr. XIX, 511; XXI, 468, etc.
22 S.P. Russia, 68, Holdernesse to Keith, 29 Jan. 1760.
23 S.P. Russia, 68, Keith to Bute, 8 Sept. 1761.
24 S.P. Russia, 68, Keith to Holdernesse, 20 Jan: 1761.
25 Fred. Pol. Corr. XV, 116.
26 S.P. Russia, 68, Keith to Holdernesse, 20 Jan. 1761.
27 S.P. Russia, 68, Keith to Bute, 17 Nov. 1761.
28 S.P. Russia, 69, 1 Jan. 1762 (N.S.). Keith reported her quite out of danger.
29 S.P. Poland, 86, Money to Bute, 16 and 27 Jan. 1762.
30 S.P. Poland, 86, Money to Bute, 10 Feb. 1762; cf. Fred. Pol. Corr. XVIII, 612, Fred, to Finckenstein, 30 Oct. 1759.
31 S.P. Poland, 86, Money to Bute, 24 Feb. and 1 May 1762.
32 S.P. Poland, 86, Money to Bute, 24 Feb. 1762.
33 Treaty of June 1762, printed in [Helbig] Biographie Peters des Dritten, pp. 262, 263.
34 S.P. Poland, 86, Money to Bute, 26 May and 2 June 1762.
35 S.P. Russia, 69, Bute to Keith, 26 May 1762.
36 S.P. Russia, 69, Catherine's letter denouncing Keith enclosed in Wroughton to Bute, 27 April 1762.
37 Sbornik, VII, 91.
38 S.P. Poland, 86, Wroughton to Grenville, 21 July and Corry to Grenville, 23 July 1762.
39 S.P. Russia, 66, Keith to Holdernesse, 29 Dec. 1758.
40 William Money, cf. Horn, British Diplomatic Representatives, p. 174.
41 S.P. Russia, 79, Cathcart to Rochford, 16/37 Dec. 1768.
42 S.P. Russia, 80, Rochford to Cathcart, 17 Feb. 1769.
43 Wraxall, Historical Memoirs (1904 ed.), p. 110.
44 The reader of Wroughton's despatches (S.P. Poland, 86–118) is hampered by the “white sort of ink” against which the Foreign Office protested in vain.
45 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Rochford, 9 May 1770.
46 S.P. Poland, 118, copy (received from Lind) of Wroughton to King Stanislaus, 4 Dec. 1773.
47 S.P. Poland, 86, Wroughton to Grenville, 2, 6 and 9 Oct. 1762.
48 S.P. Poland, 86, Wroughton to Grenville, 23 and 30 Oct. and 6 Nov. 1762.
49 S.P. Russia, 71, Buckingham to Halifax, 17 March 1763.
50 Cf. Horn, Sir Charles Hanbury Williams and European Diplomacy, 1747–58, passim.
51 Halifax to Buckingham, 1 March 1763, Collyer, Buckingham, II, 10.
52 Buckingham to Halifax, 18 April 1763, Collyer, Buckingham, II, 23.
53 S.P. Russia, 71, Buckingham to Halifax, 19 May 1763.
54 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Halifax, 5 March, and Halifax to Wroughton, 5 April 1763.
55 S.P. Poland, 87, Halifax to Wroughton, 5 April 1763.
56 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Halifax, 23 March 1763; Buckingham to Halifax, 10 April and 15 April 1763, Collyer, Buckingham, 11, 19 and 22.
57 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Halifax, 2 April 1763.
58 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Sandwich, 5 Oct. 1763.
59 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Halifax, 15 June 1763.
60 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Halifax, 19 June 1763; cf. Buckingham to Halifax, 23 May 1763, Collyer, Buckingham, II, 34.
61 Halifax to Buckingham, 24 June 1763, Collyer, Buckingham, II, 39, 40.
62 S.P. Poland, 87, Halifax to Wroughton, 2 Sept. 1763.
63 S.P. Russia, 72, Buckingham to Halifax, 31 Aug. 1763.
64 Cf. Collyer, Buckingham, II, 74 and 292.
65 Buckingham to Halifax, 30 Sept. 1763, Collyer, Buckingham, II, 76.
66 Sandwich to Buckingham, 18 Oct. 1763, Collyer, Buckingham, II, 86.
67 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Sandwich, 15 Oct. 1763.
68 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Sandwich, 19 Oct. and 2 Nov. 1763.
69 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Sandwich, 26 Oct. 1763.
70 Wroughton to Buckingham, 9 Jan. 1764, Collyer, Buckingham, II, 125.
71 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Sandwich (apart and secret), 5 Nov. and 19 Nov. 1763; Buckingham to Sandwich, 13 Dec. 1763, Collyer, Buckingham, II, 116; cf. ibid. II, 150, 157.
72 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Sandwich, 5 and 16 Nov. 1763.
73 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Sandwich, 19 Nov. 1763.
74 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Sandwich, 3 Dec. 1763.
75 S.P. Poland, 87, Wroughton to Sandwich, 10 Dec. 1763, enclosing declaration.
76 S.P. Poland, 87, Sandwich to Wroughton, 15 Nov. 1763; cf. Koch and Schoell, Histoire abrégée des traités de paix, XII, 367.
77 Sandwich to Buckingham, 20 Dec. 1763, Collyer, Buckingham, II, 118.
78 Wroughton to Buckingham, 15 Jan. 1764, Collyer, II, 129.
79 Wroughton to Buckingham, 9 Jan. 1764, Collyer, II, 125.
80 Solms to Frederick, 30 Dec. 1763, Sbornik, XXII, 187.
81 Frederick's Ministers to Solms, 20 Jan. 1764, Sbornik, XXII, 194.
82 Dated 22 Jan. 1764 and printed in Collyer, Buckingham, 11, 137.
83 Wroughton to Buckingham, 26 Feb. 1764, Collyer, II, 150.
84 Buckingham to Sandwich, 31 March 1764, Collyer, II, 163.
85 S.P. Poland, 89, Wroughton to Sandwich, 4 July 1764.
86 S.P. Poland, 89, Wroughton to Sandwich, 4 Aug. 1764.
87 S.P. Poland, 89, Sandwich to Wroughton, 3 Aug. 1764.
88 Buckingham to Sandwich, 18 June 1764, Collyer, Buckingham, II, 193.
89 Wroughton to Buckingham, 8 Aug. 1764, Collyer, II, 214.
90 Solms to Frederick, 21 Aug. 1764, Sbornik, XXII, 298.
91 Buckingham to Sandwich, 28 Sept. 1764, Collyer, Buckingham, II, 232; cf. Koser, König Friedrich der Grosse, II, 439.
92 Solms to Frederick, 18 Sept. 1764, Sbornik, XXII, 315.
93 S.P. Poland, 91, Wroughton to Sandwich, 30 Jan. 1765.
94 S.P. Poland, 91, Corry to Sandwich, 20 Feb. 1765.
95 S.P. Poland, 92, Wroughton to Grafton, 16 April 1766.
96 S.P. Poland, 91, Wroughton to Grafton, 25 Dec. 1765 (but the horse had been sold for racing).
97 S.P. Poland, 91, Despatches for April and May, passim.
98 S.P. Poland, 91, Wroughton to Grafton, 4 Dec. 1765.
99 Cf. Woronzow Memoirs, cit. Collyer, Buckingham, II, 126.
100 S.P. Poland, 92, Wroughton to Conway, 23 July 1766.
101 S.P. Poland, 92, Wroughton to Conway, 27 Aug. 1766.
102 S.P. Poland, 92, Wroughton to Conway, 19 Nov. 1766.
103 S.P. Poland, 92, Wroughton to Conway, 8 Oct. 1766.
104 This is asserted by Lind, Letters from Poland, p. 58, and suspected by Wroughton, S.P. Poland, 94, 13 May 1767 (to Conway).
105 S.P. Poland, 92, Wroughton to Conway, 15 Oct. 1766.
106 S.P. Poland, 92, Wroughton to Conway, 26 Nov. 1766.
107 Macartney to Conway, 7 Dec. 1766, Sbornik, XII, 288.
108 Macartney to Conway, 7 Dec. 1766, Sbornik, XII, 289.
109 Solms to Frederick, 16 Dec. 1766, Sbornik, XII, 578.
110 Solms to Frederick, 12 Dec. 1766, Sbornik, XXII, 569.
111 S.P. Poland, 94, Corry to Conway, 28 Jan. and 14 March 1767.
112 Fred. Pol. Corr. XXIII, passim.
113 S.P. Poland, 92, Wroughton to Conway, 5 Nov. 1766.
114 S.P. Poland, 118, Wroughton to Stanislaus, 4 Dec. 1773 (Lind's copy).
115 Fred, to Solms, 4 and 23 August 1766, Sbornik, XXII, 462, 469.
116 Fred.'s Ministers to Solms, 1 Nov. 1766, Sbornik, XXII, 497.
117 S.P. Poland, 92, Conway to Wroughton, 19 Aug. and 7 Oct., and Wroughton to Conway, 15 Nov. 1766.
118 S.P. Poland, 94, Wroughton to Conway, 11 March 1767, etc.
119 Askenazy, Dantzig and Poland, p. 34.
120 S.P. Poland, 94, Wroughton to Conway, 28 Feb. 1767, etc.
121 S.P. Poland, 94, Wroughton to Conway, 7 July 1767.
122 Conway to Gunning, 9 Jan. 1768, elaborated in Conway to Shirley, 9 Oct. 1767, Sbornik, XII, 315.
123 Panin to Musin-Pushkin, s.d. Martens, Recueil, IX (x), 261.
124 S.P. Poland, 94, Conway to Wroughton, 21 April 1767.
125 S.P. Poland, 94, Conway to Wroughton, 25 Aug. 1767.
126 Cf. Lind, Letters concerning the present state of Poland, ed. 2, p. 98 etc.
127 S.P. Poland, 94, Wroughton to Conway, 5 Sept. 1767.
128 S.P. Poland, 94, Wroughton to Conway, 19 Sept. 1767.
129 S.P. Poland, 94, Conway to Wroughton, 8 Dec. 1767.
130 S.P. Poland, 94, Wroughton to Conway, 17 Oct. 1767.
131 Shirley to Conway, 4 Feb. 1768, Sbornik, XII, 325.
132 S.P. Poland, 96, Weymouth to Wroughton, 12 Feb. 1768.
133 Cf. Solms to Fred. 11 Jan. 1768, Sbornik, XXXVII, 134.
134 S.P. Poland, 96, Wroughton to Weymouth, 9 March 1768.
135 Coxe, Travels, I, 27.
136 S.P. Poland, 96, Wroughton to Weymouth, 29 March 1768.
137 Shirley to Weymouth, 4/15 March 1768, Sbornik, XII, 342.
138 S.P. Russia, 79, Shirley to Weymouth, 18/29 March 1768.
139 Rousseau, [Gouvernement de] Pologne (Oeuvres, Amsterdam, 1784), XVII, 35.
140 S.P. Poland, 96, Wroughton to Weymouth, 10 Aug. 1768.
141 Cathcart to Weymouth, 23 Aug. 1768, Sbornik, XII, 349.
142 Fred. to Solms, 13 April 1768, Sbornik, XXXVII, 151 (postscript in king's own hand).
143 S.P. Russia, 79, Cathcart to Weymouth, 7/18 Oct. 1768.
144 S.P. Poland, 96, Wroughton to Weymouth, 24 Aug. and 7 Sept. 1768.
145 S.P. Poland, 96, Wroughton to Weymouth, 3 Nov. 1768.
146 Cathcart to Stormont, 13 Nov. 1768, Sbornik, XII, 400.
147 Cathcart to Murray, 12 Nov. 1768, Sbornik, XII, 401.
148 Cathcart to Weymouth, 12 Nov. 1768, Sbornik, XII, 397.
149 Fred. to Solms, 2 Feb. 1769, Sbornik, XXXVII, 205.
150 S.P. Poland, 98, Wroughton to Rochford, 1 and 19 July 1769.
151 Cathcart to Weymouth, 18 Nov. 1768, Sbornik, XII, 403.
152 S.P. Russia, 80, Cathcart to Rochford, 4 Jan. 1769.
153 Rochford to Cathcart, 24 Nov. 1769, Sbornik, XII, 482.
154 S.P. Russia, 66, Keith to Holdernesse, 1 March 1758.
155 Rochford to Cathcart, 3 Feb. 1769, Sbornik, XII, 421.
156 Rochford to Cathcart, 24 Nov. 1769, Sbornik, XII, 483.
157 Cathcart to Murray, 22 Dec. 1769, Sbornik, XII, 486.
158 Solms to Fred. 10 Nov. 1769, Sbornik, XXXVII, 267.
159 S.P. Poland, 98, Wroughton to Rochford, 7 Oct. 1769, etc.
160 This suspicion (natural and probably not ill-founded) colours much of the correspondence between London and Warsaw.
161 Cf. S.P. Poland, 98, Wroughton to Rochford, 27 Sept. 1769.
162 S.P. Poland, 98, Wroughton to Rochford, 8 Nov. 1769.
163 S.P. Poland, 100, Rochford to Wroughton, 5 Jan. and 2 Feb. 1770.
164 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Rochford, 31 Jan., and Corry to Rochford, 14 Feb. 1770.
165 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Rochford, 17 Feb. and 28 March 1770.
166 To Rochford, S.P. Poland, 100.
167 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Cathcart, 18 March 1770.
168 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Rochford, 28 March 1770.
169 Report of 19 Dec. 1768, Martens, Recueil, IX (x), 280.
170 S.P. Poland, 100, Rochford to Wroughton, 1 June 1770.
171 S.P. Poland, 100, Rochford to Wroughton, 3 Aug. 1770.
172 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Cathcart, 15 July, and to Rochford, 17 July 1770.
173 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton and Corry to Rochford, both of 4 July 1770.
174 S.P. Poland, 100, Corry to Rochford, 4 Aug. 1770.
175 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Cathcart, 12 Aug. 1770.
176 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Rochford, 12 Sept. 1770.
177 Rochford to Cathcart, 2 Oct. 1770, Sbornik, XIX, 77.
178 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Rochford, 19 Sept. 1770.
179 Cathcart to Wroughton, 23 Oct. 1770, Sbornik, XIX, 126.
180 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Rochford, 30 Oct. 1770.
181 Voltaire to Catherine, 14 Sept. 1770, Reddaway, Documents, p. 71.
182 Fred. to Finckenstein (apparently, n.d.), Sbornik, XXXVII, 317.
183 Fred. to Catherine, 28 Oct. 1770, Sbornik, XX, 283.
184 Cathcart to Rochford, 30 Oct. 1770, Sbornik, XIX, 127.
185 Solms to Fred. 3 Nov. 1770, Sbornik, XXXVII, 320.
186 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Rochford, 1 Dec. 1770.
187 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Rochford, 12 Dec. 1770.
188 S.P. Poland, 100, Wroughton to Rochford, 22 Dec. 1770.
189 S.P. Poland, 102, Wroughton to Halifax, 6 Feb. 1771.
190 Catherine's annotation of Chernuishev's report of 3 March(O.S.) 1769 (for Panin), Martens, Recueil, IX (X), 280.
191 S.P. Poland, 102, Wroughton to Halifax, 29 May 1771.
192 Rochford to Cathcart, 29 March 1771, Sbornik, XIX, 193.
193 Cathcart to Sandwich, 29 Jan. 1771, Sbornik, XIX, 179.
194 S.P. Poland, 102, Halifax to Wroughton, 26 April 1771.
195 S.P. Poland, 102, Wroughton to Halifax, 22 June 1771.
196 Words actually used of his conduct in Denmark, but characteristic.
197 S.P. Poland, 102, Wroughton to Suffolk, 10 Aug. 1771.
198 S.P. Poland, 102, Suffolk to Wroughton, 23 Aug. 1771.
199 S.P. Poland, 102, Wroughton to Suffolk, 5 Oct. 1771.
200 S.P. Poland, 102, Wroughton to Suffolk, 6 Nov. 1771.
201 S.P. Poland, 102, Wroughton to Suffolk, 7 Dec. 1771.
202 S.P. Poland, 102, Corry to Suffolk, 28 Dec. 1771.
203 S.P. Poland, 104, Corry to Suffolk, 29 Jan. 1772.
204 Cf. Fred. to Solms, 10 Sept. 1771, Sbornik, XXXVII, 499.
205 Fred. to Solms, 30 Oct. 1771, Sbornik, XXXVII, 547.
206 Fred. to Solms, 6 Nov. 1771, Sbornik, XXXVII, 554.
207 Catherine to Fred. 6 Dec. 1771, Sbornik, XX, 313.
208 Solms to Fred. 3 Jan. and Fred, to Solms, 9 Jan. 1772, Sbornik, XXXVII. Fréd. II, Oeuvres [posthumes] (Berlin, 1788), v, 73.
209 S.P. Poland, 104, Suffolk to Wroughton, 31 Jan. 1772.
210 Finckenstein to Fred. 31 Jan. 1772, Sbornik, XXXVII and LXXII, 35. Fred. to Solms 5 Feb. 1772, Sbornik, XXXVII, 639.
211 Solms to Fred. 14 Jan., Sbornik, XXXVII, 595 and Fred. to Solms, 9 Feb. 1772, Sbornik, LXXII, 3.
212 S.P. Poland, 104, Suffolk to Wroughton, 27 March 1772.
213 Cp. Cathcart to Suffolk, 19 June 1772, Sbornik, XIX, 274.
214 E.g. Panin as reported by Cathcart 28 Jan., 7 and 11 Feb., 24 March, 5 May, Sbornik, XIX, and by Wroughton (from the lips of Stanislaus), 18 April, S.P. Poland, 104, all to Suffolk.
215 S.P. Poland, 104, Suffolk to Wroughton, 5 May 1772.
216 S.P. Poland, 104, Wroughton to Suffolk, 18 April 1772.
217 Instructions dated 27 May 1772; cf. Sbornik, XIX, 267.
218 Solms to Frederick, 26 June 1772, Sbornik, LXXII, 132. George III was far more perturbed by the conduct of the Danes. But cf. note 3 above.
219 Suffolk to Harris, 7 Aug. 1772, Malmesbury [Diaries and] Correspondence, 1, 85.
220 S.P. Poland, 104, Wroughton to Suffolk, 18 April 1772.
221 S.P. Poland, 104, Wroughton to Suffolk, 22 May 1772, Saldern vigorously protesting.
222 S.P. Poland, 104, Wroughton to Suffolk, 25 June 1772.
223 S.P. Poland, 104, Corry to Suffolk, 3 June 1772.
224 S.P. Poland, 104, Wroughton to Suffolk, 30 May 1772.
225 S.P. Poland, 104, Wroughton t o Suffolk, 6 June 1772.
226 Cathcart to Suffolk, 19 June 1772, Sbornik, XIX, 275.
227 Cathcart to Suffolk, 12 June 1772, Sbornik, XIX, 272.
228 Cf. Suffolk to Harris, 7 Aug. 1772, Malmesbury Correspondence.
229 Gunning to Suffolk, 30 June 1772, Sbornik, XIX, 276.
230 S.P. Poland, 104, June 1772 passim, Wroughton to Suffolk.
231 S.P. Poland, 104, Suffolk to Wroughton, 31 July 1772.
232 Suffolk to Gunning, 2 Oct. 1772, Sbornik, XIX, 310.
233 Suffolk to Harris, 2 Oct. 1772, Malmesbury Correspondence, 1, 92.
234 S.P. Poland, 104, Suffolk to Wroughton, 2 Oct. 1772.
235 Rochford to Murray, 24 July 1772, Mahon, v, App. p. xxxvii.
236 S.P. Poland, 104, Suffolk to Wroughton, 17 Nov. 1772.
237 S.P. Poland, 104, George III to Stanislaus, 17 Nov. 1772.
238 Cf. Michael, Englands Stellung [zur ersten Teilung Polens], p. 90 et passim.
239 Halecki, Slavonic Review, XII, 664.
240 Martens, Recueil, IX (x), 214.
241 S.P. Poland, 100, Rochford to Wroughton, 1 May 1770.
242 Rousseau, Pologne (écrite avril 1772), XVII, 2.
243 Michael, Englands Stellung, p. 90.
244 Cf. S.P. Poland, 104, Suffolk to Corry, 13 Oct. 1772.
245 Fréd. II, Oeuvres, v, 73.
246 S.P. Poland, 104, Corry to Suffolk, 10 June 1772.
247 Annual Register, 1772.
248 Askenazy, Dantzig and Poland, pp. 38, 116.
249 Minute of Cabinet 22 Dec. 1772, cit. Michael, Englands Stellung, 35.
250 Suffolk to Gunning, 10 Nov. 1772, Sbornik, XIX, 333.
251 Gunning to Suffolk, 14 Dec. 1772, Sbornik, XIX, 337.
252 Suffolk to Gunning, 30 July 1773, Sbornik, XIX, 366; cf. Harris to Suffolk, 23 March 1773, Malmesbury Correspondence, I, 103.