WHILE I was in Isfahān at the end of June, 1932, a young of Yazd,
came to see me before going on to his school in Shīrāz. We met four times, and before leaving he requested an acquaintance of his, a young man,
Qobād, who was visiting Isfahān, to come to see me. Qobād's home was with his parents in Teheran, so that he had little opportunity to use this dialect. In August of the same year I was able to visit Yazd for one week, and there found a young
born in the neighbouring village of Maryābād (or Mōriābād).
page 335 note 1 a is used for the sound [a].
page 358 note 1 Read pōška.
page 360 note 1
is of uncertain meaning.