Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 April 2009
Let X be a completely regular space, E a Banach space, Cb(X, E) the space of all continuous, bounded and E-valued functions defined on X, M(X, L(E, F)) the space of all L(E, F)-valued measures defined on the algebra generated by zero subsets of X. Weakly compact and β0-continuous operators defined from Cb(X, E) into a Banach space F are represented by integrals with respect to L(E, F)-valued measures. The strict Dunford-Pettis and the Dunford-Pettis properties are established on (Cb(X, E), βi), where βi denotes one of the strict topologies β0, β or β1, when E is a Schur space; the same properties are established on (Cb(X, E), β0), when E is an AM-space or an AL-space.