Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 July 2009
The name Pseudolitomastix was applied (Eady, 1960) to a genus erected for the new species P. nacoleiae, bred from Nacoleia octasema (Meyr.). This unfortunately overlooked the valid and prior use of the name Pseudolitomastix, by Risbec (1954). The two species for which Pseudolitomastix Risbec was erected are generically quite distinct from P. nacoleiae, so that a new generic name is required for this latter species. The name Pentalitomastix, indicative of the five-segmented funicle of the female antenna, is hereby proposed. I am grateful to Dr. O. Peck, of the Entomology Research Institute of the Canadian Department of Agriculture, for drawing my attention to the homonymy, and to my colleague Mr. G. J. Kerrich for suggesting the new name.