Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 July 2009
General colour (in spirit) green with dark brown barring on abdomen. Antennae from the apical half of iv. to tip dark brown to black, basal segments pale brown. Head pale green, except for a black depression between the base of the lateral ocellar elevation and the median line; genal cones medium brown; lateral ocelli pink. Pronotum of the same uniform colour except for a small black area marginally. Dorsulum pale green, with two large semicircular or subtriangular light brown areas medianly anteriorly; mesonotum striated with light brown, one median narrow stripe and two broad lateral ones; mesoscutellum unicolorous or faintly tinged with brown. Legs with the femora darker than tibiae, tarsi and claws black. Abdomen with two median black areas on first segment, with a lateral hollow black.