Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 July 2009
During the two years that have elapsed since the publication by the writer of a previous paper on Palestine Tabanidae, a small amount of material belonging to this family has been received from the same country. With one exception, for the Diptera in question—which, though few in number, present several points of interest, besides including representatives of two new species—the National Collection is indebted to the kindness of either Mr. P. A. Buxton or Mr. I. Aharoni.
* Cf. Austen, E. E., “ A Contribution to Knowledge of the Tabanidae of Palestine ”: Bull. Ent. Res. x, pp. 277–321, figs. 1–18 (04 1920).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
† For names and illustrations of colours used for descriptive purposes in the present paper see Ridgway, “ Color Standards and Color Nomenclature ” (Washington, D.C. Published by the Author, 1912.)
* Cf. Austen, , Bull. Ent. Res., x, pt. 3, p. 279, fig. 1 (04 1920).Google Scholar
* Cf. Kröber, O., “ Die Chrysops-Arten der paläarctischen Region nebst den Arten der angrenzenden Gebiete ”: Zool. Jahrb., Abt. f. Syst., xliii, pp. 42, 50, 56, 60, Taf. 2, figs. 63–65 (1920).Google Scholar
* Cf. Bull. Ent. Res., x, p. 293 (1920).Google Scholar