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6.9 The use of green bananas and tropical crop residues for intensive beef production
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 September 2010
In tropical regions of Latin America, two general types of ecosystems, as applied to agriculture, may be identified: one is the dry/humid tropical zone, where a period of drought is followed by a period of heavy rain occurring, for example, on the Pacific Ocean Slope of Central America. The other ecosystem is the humid tropical zone, as found on the Atlantic Slope of Central America, where rain occurs every month, although not following an even distribution pattern.
- Type
- Intensive Production of Large Ruminants
- Information
- BSAP Occasional Publication , Volume 4: Intensive Animal Production in Developing Countries , January 1981 , pp. 371 - 383
- Copyright
- Copyright © British Society of Animal Production 1981
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