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Better Know Your Dependent Variable: A Multination Analysis of Government Support Measures in Economic Popularity Models
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 February 2010

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19 The two inequalities simply require that a government identifier is not going to vote for an opposition party/candidate while still approving of the government and an opposition identifier is not going to vote for the government while they disapprove of it.
20 See Appendix, Note 1, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉 for a demonstration of why this is always true.
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25 Plots of the data and the rationale for the time period studied for each case is provided in the Appendix, Note 2, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉.
26 Note 8, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉.
27 The mean squared perturbation is similar to the variance but squares the difference between a month’s value and the previous month’s rather than the series’ mean. This is more appropriate in this context, as it is the month-to-month stability that is of greatest interest and the variance will overstate the month-to-month instability in a series that trends.
28 Further details are provided in the Appendix, Note 3, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉.
29 FPE = final prediction error, AIC = Akaike’s information criterion, SBIC = Schwarz’s Bayesian information criterion and HQIC = Hannan and Quinn information criterion.
30 This produces a structural VAR that has a recursive structure and so a causal interpretation can be applied.
31 For a description of the economic data used in these models, see Appendix, Note 4, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉.
32 The post-election trending is modelled using three count variables that begin the month after each election.
33 Clarke, Harold and Lebo, Matthew, ‘Fractional (Co)integration and Governing Party Support in Britain’, British Journal of Political Science, 33 (2003), 283–301.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
34 The impact of 9/11 is estimated using a dummy that equals one for the month of the event and the four months following. The impact of the second Iraq war is estimated by a variable that equals the cumulative number of British casualties in Iraq.
35 The Appendix, Note 5, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉, describes the transformation for this particular ECM. For further details, see Banerjee, Anindya, Dolado, Juan, Galbraith, John W. and Hendry, David F., Co-integration, Error-Correction, and the Econometric Analysis of Non-Stationary Data (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; and Hendry, David F., Dynamic Econometrics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995)CrossRefGoogle Scholar. For an example of the use of the dead-start autoregressive distributive-lag model in the British context, see David Sanders, ‘The Real Economy and the Perceived Economy in Popularity Functions: How Much Do Voters Need to Know? A Study of British Data, 1974–97’, Electoral Studies, 19 (2000), 275–294Google Scholar.
36 The ECMs were estimated in WinBUGS. See the Appendix, Note 6, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉 for further estimation details.
37 The direction of the effect is as we would expect for unemployment but a little peculiar for inflation.
38 Note that the largest one-month increase during this period is 0.2 percentage points.
39 Norpoth, Helmut, ‘Party Identification in West Germany: Tracing an Elusive Concept’, Comparative Political Studies, 11 (1978), 36–61.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
40 Arzheimer, Kai, ‘ “Dead Men Walking?” Party Identification in Germany, 1977–2002’, Electoral Studies, 25 (2006), 791–807CrossRefGoogle Scholar; and Zelle, Carsten, ‘A Third Face of Dealignment? An Update on Party Identification in Germany, 1971–94’, in Christopher Anderson and Carsten Zelle, eds, Stability and a Change in German Elections: How Electorates Merge, Converge, or Collide (London: Praeger, 1998), pp. 55–70Google Scholar.
41 The Appendix, Note 3, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉, provides a translation of these questions.
42 These complications include the fact that the New Federal States (former East Germany) are substantively different, both economically and politically, than the Old Federal States (Feld, Lars P. and Kirchgässner, Gebhard, ‘Official and Hidden Unemployment in the Popularity of the Government: An Econometric Analysis for the Kohl Government’, Electoral Studies, 19 (2000), 333–347.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
43 See the Appendix, Note 2, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉, for the relevant figure.
44 The cycling is captured by including two terms in the regression: [Θ1(sin (λθ)] and [Θ2(cos (λθ)], where Θ1 and Θ2 are the parameters to be estimated and λ is the frequency (1/wavelength) of the popularity cycle, which is defined by the length of the inter-election period. Estimated parameters Θ1 and Θ2 can be used to calculate the phase for the inter-election cycle.
45 The correlation is also relatively large at the individual level, ranging in any given month from 0.6 to 0.7.
46 As before, the assumption of covariance stationarity requires that non-stationary dynamics be accounted for in the models. As it turns out though, once economic variables are included in the following models, the inter-election cycle is statistically insignificant. Therefore, for the sake of efficiency, the ECMs only include the trending term.
47 For a description of the economic data used in these models, see the Appendix, Note 4, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉.
48 Campbell, Converse, Miller and Stokes, The American Voter.
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60 No constant is included in the model, so no month needs to be excluded as a reference.
61 As this is a fairly standard technique discussed at length elsewhere, the details of the estimation are relegated to the Appendix, Note 7, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉. For a more lengthy discussion on this technique, see Pickup and Johnston, ‘Campaign Trial Heats as Election Forecasts’.
62 For a description of the economic data, see the Appendix, Note 4, in the Supplementary Materials on the website 〈〉.
63 France: Lafay, J.-D., ‘Political Change and Stability of the Popularity Function: The French General Election of 1981’, in H. Eulau and M.S. Lewis-Beck, eds, Economic Conditions and Electoral Outcomes: The United States and Western Europe (New York: Agathon, 1985), pp.78–97Google Scholar; and Lafay, J.-D., ‘Political Dyarchy and Popularity Functions: Lessons from the 1986 French Experience’, in Norpoth, Lewis-Beck, and Lafay, eds, Economics and Politics, pp. 123–139Google Scholar. Latin America: Weyland, Kurt, ‘Peasants or Bankers in Venezuela? Presidential Popularity and Economic Reform Approval, 1989–1993’, Political Research Quarterly, 51 (1998), 341–362CrossRefGoogle Scholar; and Davis, Charles L. and Langley, Ronald E., ‘Presidential Popularity in a Context of Economic Crisis and Political Change: The Case of Mexico’, Studies in Comparative International Development, 30 (1995), 24–48CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
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