Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 November 2011
In 1849 Mark Anthony Lower published a pioneer paper on the ironworks of East Sussex, but this contained no mention of any ironworking at Beauport Park, near Battle. Ten years later, however, the Rev. S. Arnott, rector of the nearby parish of Hollington, wrote that, although there were no remains of early ironmaking in his parish, ‘there is a large cinder-bank in Beauport Park on which grow firs with oak and ash, all planted by the owner, Sir Charles Lamb’.
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12 B.C. Worssam in Cleere and Crossley. op. cit (note 9), 1–30.
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19 Brodribb, G., Sussex Arch. Collect. cvii (1969), 102–25.Google Scholar
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23 Cleere and Crossley, op. cit (note 9), 303.
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36 Green, op. cit. (note 35).
37 Described by Green, C.M. in Jones, D.M.. Excavations at Billingsgate Buildings London, London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Special Paper No. 4 (1980), 39–79. no. 315.Google Scholar
38 See Greene, K.T. in Arthur, P. and Marsh, G. (eds.), Early Fine Wares in Roman Britain, BAR 57 (Oxford. 1978), 15–30.Google Scholar
39 Peacock, D.P.S. (ed.), Pottery and Early Commerce: Characterisation and Trade in Roman and Later Ceramics (London, 1977), 147–62.Google Scholar
40 See Green, C.M. in Bell, M., ‘Excavations at Newhaven, Sussex.’ Sussex Arch. Collect. cxiv (1976). 218–305)Google Scholar , where the type is wrongly attributed to the Pulborough area of West Sussex.
41 See W.J. Rodwell in Arthur and Marsh, op. cit. (note 40), 225–92.
42 See P. Tyers in Arthur and Marsh, op. cit. (note 40), 62, 65. fig. 4:5.
43 See D.F. Williams in Peacock, op. cit. (note 41), 163–220.
44 See Richardson, op. cit. (note 39).
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48 For this type of vessel, which is common in the Somme valley and the coastal regions of northern France, and is now recognized from many sites in eastern England, see Tuffreau-Libre, M., La céramique commune gallo-romaine dans le nord de la France (Nord, Pas-de-Calais) (Lille, 1980)Google Scholar , fig. 19:3, etc., and, for a fuller description, Richardson, B. and Tyers, P., Britannia xv (1984). 133–41.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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50 See Philp, B.J., The Excavation of the Roman Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover, 1970–1977, Kent Monograph Series No. 3 (Dover, 1981)Google Scholar , Types 636, 639, 643, 668, 699.
51 Dr Paul Tyers, personal communication.
52 Young, C.J., Oxfordshire Roman Pottery, BAR 43 (Oxford, 1977).Google Scholar
53 Fulford, M.G., New Forest Roman Pottery, BAR 17 (Oxford, 1975)Google Scholar , Type 27: mid-3rd century and later.
54 Isings, C., Roman Glass from Dated Finds (Groningen, 1957)Google Scholar , Forms 50 and 62.
55 ibid., Form 1?.
56 ibid., Form 50/51.
57 ibid., Form 90.
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61 J. Price in du Plat Taylor and Cleere (eds.), op. cit. (note 37), 70–78.
62 Isings, op. cit. (note 54), Form 99.
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65 Rock, op. cit. (note 5), 173.
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17 Antike Gemmen in Deutschen Sammlungen. I: Staatliche Münzsammlung München, Part 3 (1972), Nos. 2633–2638.
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92 Wheeler, R.E.M. and Wheeler, T.V., Archaeologia lxxviii (1928), 164, fig. 14:17.Google Scholar
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96 Philp, op. cit. (note 52), 151, fig. 33:80.
97 M. Rhodes in Jones, op. cit. (note 39).
98 ibid.
99 ibid., 128.
100 ibid., 105–7.
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104 British Museum Guide to Roman Antiquities (1951), 62 and fig. 30.
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107 Brodribb, op. cit. (note 106), 155.
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