Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 November 2011
In November 1990 a new sewage pipe was being laid at Wraggs Farm, Arrington, when a JCB bucket struck the coffin (FIG. I). The Archaeology Section of Cambridgeshire County Council was alerted immediately and, after a visit to the site to assess the problem, the burial was excavated on the following day under the difficult conditions imposed by a deep narrow construction trench (PL. VII). Excavation was made more awkward by the need to remove heavy lead in reasonable condition from very sticky and intransigent clay in a confined space. Surviving bones were extremely fragile and fragmentary, which also posed problems. Figurine fragments had already been collected by workmen and soil containing them had been removed, so no more could be found.
1 G. Wait, Archaeological Assessment at the Junction of the A14/A604 Codmanchester, Combs. (1990).
2 Peter Murphy, pers. comm.
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6 M.J. Green, Symbol and Image in Celtic Religious Art (1989), fig. 85; Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn, Wir Entdecken die Römer (1973), 66; G. Ristow, Religionen und ihre Denkmäler in Köln (1975), pl. 41.
7 P. La Baume, The Romans on the Rhine (undated), 21; Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn, op. cit. (note 6), 63; G. Ristow, Römischer Götterhimmel und frühes Christentum (1980), 47; Green, op. cit. (note 6), fig. 85.
8 H. von Petrikovits, ‘Matronen und Verwandte Gottheiten’, Ergebnisse eines Kolloquiums veranstaltet von der Göttinger Akademiekommission für die Altertumskunde Mittel- und Nordeuropas (1987), 241–54.
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10 Green, op. cit. (note 6), 194–8.
11 Ristow, op. cit. (note 6), pls 41, 42; Ristow, op. cit. (note 7), 43.
12 H. Rabeisen and H. Vertet, Les Figurines gallo-romaines en terre cuite d'Alesia (1986), nos 220-4, Pl. 30.
13 M. Rouvier-Jeanlin, Les Figurines gallo-romaines en terre cuite au Musée des Antiquités Nationales (1972), nos 669–77.
14 Green, op. cit. (note 6), fig. 73.
15 E.M. Wightman, Roman Trier and the Treveri (1970), 213, pl. 21.
16 E. Thevenot, Dieux et sanctuaires de la Gaule (1968), 62–5.
17 R. Schindler, Führer durch das Landesmuseum Trier (1977).
18 Rouvier-Jeanlin, op. cit. (note 13), nos 715–17.
19 Anon., ‘The Cambridge shrine’, Current Arch. 61 (1978), 57–60Google Scholar; M.J. Green, The Gods of the Celts (1986), 131.
20 A.W. Lawrence, Greek and Roman Sculpture (1972), pl. 72.
21 M. Bieber, The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age (1961), fig. 550.
22 Rouvier-Jeanlin, op. cit. (note 13), nos 645,643 respectively.
23 idem, nos 647–8.
24 J.M.C. Toynbee, Art in Roman Britain (1962), pls 39, 42.
25 idem, pl. 38.
26 J. Ferguson, The Religions of the Roman Emplre (1970), pl. 13.
27 idem, pls 26–7; M. Schwarz, ‘Cautes and Cautopates’, in J. Hinnells (ed.), Mithraic Studies (1975), 406–623.
28 J.M.C. Toynbee, Art in Britain under the Romans (1964), 247–8.
29 Rouvier-Jeanlin, op. cit. (note 13), nos 1037–8.
30 M.J. Green, The Religions of Civilian Roman Britain (1976), 184.
31 M. Henig, Religion in Roman Britain (1984), pl. 32.
32 H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (1981), 17–18, 124.
33 Henig, op. cit. (note 31), pl. 19.
34 B. Cunliffe and M. Fulford, Corpus signorum lmperii Romani: Great Britain, Vol I, Fasc. 2: Bath and the Rest of Wessex (1982), no. 39.
35 Toynbee, op. cit. (note 24), no. 20.
36 Rouvier-Jeanlin, op. cit. (note 13), nos 1022–3, 1028.
37 idem, nos 1024–6.
38 M J. Green, The Gods of Roman Britain (1983), pl. 43.
39 J.M.C. Toynbee, Animals in Roman Life and Art (1973), 151; M.L. Cafiero, Ara Pacis Augustae (1989).
40 D.H. Ubelaker, Human Skeletal Remains: Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation (1989).
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44 D. Brothwell and R. Spearman, ‘The hair of earlier peoples’, in D. Brothwell and E. Higgs (eds), Science in Archaeology (1963), 424–36.
45 M.D. Paterson, ‘The hair’, in C. Green, M. Paterson and L. Biek (eds), A Roman Coffin-burial from the Crown Buildings Site, in Dorchester: With Particular Reference to the Head of Well-preserved Hair (1981), 67–100.
46 Undertaken by Sandra Bond.
47 Identified by P. Walton Rogers.
48 J.P. Wild, Textile Manufacture in the Northern Roman Provinces (1970), 73–4, 105.
49 Ancient Monuments Laboratory 7709093.
50 Whiteley, K.J., ‘Stress-strain properties of an ancient sample of wool’, Journ. Textile Institute lv (1964), 214–16.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
51 Report on the Vindolanda skins by M.L. Ryder, in press.
52 M.L. Ryder, Sheep and Man (1983), 168.
53 Ryder, M.L., ‘The correlation between plctorial representations of fleeces, written records of wool production and measurements of wool remains’, in Brock, J. Clutton and Grigson, C. (eds). Early Herders and their Flocks: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Archaeozoology III, BAR S202 (1984), 69–81.Google Scholar
54 idem, ‘Evolution of the fleece’, Scientific American (1987), 112–19; Ryder, op. cit. (note 52).
55 Ryder, op. cit. (note 52), 52.
56 ibid., 170–4; Ryder, op. cit. (note 53).
57 Ryder, op. cit. (note 52), 115.
58 ibid., 153.
59 ibid., 460–7.
60 Britannia xxiii (1991), 159 fig. 19.Google Scholar
61 Ryder, M.L., ‘Wools from Vindolanda’, Journ. Arch. Science viii (1981), 99–103.Google Scholar
62 Archaeologia xxv (1834), 5Google Scholar; Illustrated London News, 21st July 1855, 77.
63 See gazeteer below.
64 Toller, op. cit. (note 3).
65 Britannia xvi (1985), 289.Google Scholar
66 The following abbreviations and references have been used in the gazeteers (the most accessible source is quoted, which will normally include full reference to earlier works):
ACR: C. Fox, The Archaeology of the Cambridge Region (1923).
Artis (1828): E.T. Aitis, The Durobrivae of Antoninus (1828).
Babington (1883): C.C. Babington, Ancient Cambridgeshire (1883).
CAG: Colchester Archaeological Group Annual Bulletin.
CBA: Council for British Archaeology.
Edgington (1983): Edgington, S.B., ‘Stone coffins in Cambridgeshire: an early find’, Conduit vi (1983).Google Scholar
Fenland Survey: D.N. Hall, unpublished survey of the Cambridgeshire Fens.
FRT: C.W. Phillips (ed.). The Fenland in Roman Times (1970).
Green (1975): Green, H.J.M., ‘Godmanchester’, in Rodwell, W. and Rowley, T. (eds), The ‘Small Towns’ of Roman Britain, BAR 15 (1975), 183–210.Google Scholar
LAMAS: London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Transactions.
Lysons (1808): D. and S. Lysons, Magna Britannia: Cambridgeshire (1808).
McWhirr (1982): McWhirr, A.D., Romano-British Cemeteries at Cirencester 3 (1982).Google Scholar
NVRC: Nene Valley Research Committee Annual Report.
Northants. Arch.: Northamptonshire Archaeology.
PCAS: Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society.
RCHM: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England), County Inventories.
Surrey Arch. Collect.: Surrey Archaeological Collections.
TCHAS: Transactions of the Cambridge and Huntingdon Archaeological Society.
VCH: Victoria County History.
WAM: Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine.
Wait (1990): G. Wait, Archaeological Assessment at the Junction of the A14/A604, Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire (1990).
67 Taylor, A., ‘A Roman stone coffin from Stuntney and gazeteer of similar coffins in Cambridgeshire’, Proc. Camb. Ant. Soc. lxxiii (1984), 15–21.Google Scholar
68 Fell, C., Proc. Camb. Ant. Soc. xvi (1956), 16.Google Scholar