Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 January 2025
1 M. Etienne Gilson, Etudes de Philosophie Médiévale (Strasbourg, 1921).
2 Parce qu'il est le premier occidental dont la pensée ne se soit asservie ni à un, dogme, ni à un système. M. Gilson of course refers to philosophical dogmas not to revealed dogmas which were St. Thomas's postulates. For although the argument from authority which is founded on human reason is the weakest of all, the argument which is founded upon divine revelation is the most efficacious. (Summa. Ia, I, 8 ad. 2).
3 La Philosophie au Moyen Age. (Vol. II, p. 9.).
4 Dr. Jessopp's Coming of the Friars still asserts in its eighteenth edition that Kilwardby was a Franciscan.
5 De Caelo. Lib. I, xxii.