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Liaison Psychiatry Special Issue
16 Oct 2024 to 31 Mar 2025

BJPsych Advances invites clinical experts to submit proposals for a forthcoming special issue relating to Liaison Psychiatry. Submissions should be educational pieces aimed at continuing professional development (CPD) for consultant psychiatrists.

Proposals are welcomed for the following article types:

  • Articles  - typically discuss comprehensive, practical approaches to clinical problems and explain the full range of therapeutic options, with useful features like MCQs, summary boxes, and associated commentaries commissioned by the Editor-in-Chief.
  • Clinical Reflections - consider clinical, ethical or research dilemmas or uncertainties that present in day-to-day practice. They are the equivalent of thinking aloud and deliberating on the matter in hand.
  • Refreshments - provide a short, succinct summary of a single topic to be read as a quick update by practising psychiatrists. The aim is to help readers improve their knowledge and practice in areas outside their field of expertise.
  • Memory Lane - this series explores key works in psychiatry that should not be forgotten.
  • Research Methods This section expands on various aspects of research methodology. The subject area is broad and could include aspects such as epidemiological research, general qualitative research, critiques of different measurement tools used in research etc. The focus is to provide educative pieces for new researchers and/or inexperienced investigators.

BJPsych Advances does not publish research or systematic review papers, and academic quality is crucial. All submissions to the journal are peer reviewed. For further information about the journal visit BJPsych Advances.

To submit a proposal to the journal (including a summary of approximately 100 words), please read the instructions for authors carefully and send your proposal for the attention of the Managing Editor to [email protected].

Please note that the closing date for submissions for the special issue is 31 March 2025.

Kind regards,

Professor Asit Biswas, Editor-in-Chief, BJPsych Advances

Dr Sergio Covarrubias-Castillo, Editor, Liaison Psychiatry Special Issue

Professor Gian Galeazzi, Editor, Liaison Psychiatry Special Issue