Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Harris, Colin
Myers, Andrew
Kaiser, Adam
Being Seen: How Markets Impact Our Moral Sentiments.
SSRN Electronic Journal,
Trafimow, David
Osman, Magda
Barriers to Converting Applied Social Psychology to Bettering the Human Condition.
Basic and Applied Social Psychology,
Vol. 44,
Issue. 1,
Cesario, Joseph
So close, Yet So Far: Stopping Short of Killing Implicit Bias.
Psychological Inquiry,
Vol. 33,
Issue. 3,
De Houwer, Jan
Boddez, Yannick
Bias in Implicit Measures as Instances of Biased Behavior under Suboptimal Conditions in the Laboratory.
Psychological Inquiry,
Vol. 33,
Issue. 3,
Qu-Lee, Jennie
Seidel, Brina
Harel, Daphna
Granot, Yael
Balcetis, Emily
The relationship between visual confirmation bias, belief consistency, and belief polarization.
Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology,
Vol. 6,
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Stelter, Marleen
Essien, Iniobong
Sander, Carsten
Degner, Juliane
Racial Bias in Police Traffic Stops: White Residents’ County-Level Prejudice and Stereotypes Are Related to Disproportionate Stopping of Black Drivers.
Psychological Science,
Vol. 33,
Issue. 4,
Higginbotham, Gerald D.
Shropshire, Jessica
Johnson, Kerri L.
You Play a Sport, Right? A Persistent and Pernicious Intersectional Bias in Categorization of Students vs. Student-Athletes.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
Vol. 48,
Issue. 11,
Diener, Ed
Northcott, Robert
Zyphur, Michael J.
West, Stephen G.
Beyond Experiments.
Perspectives on Psychological Science,
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Jekel, Marc
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Willis, Guillermo B.
The economic inequality as normative information model (EINIM).
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Harris, Colin
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The humanizing effect of market interaction.
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Target article
What can experimental studies of bias tell us about real-world group disparities?
Related commentaries (29)
A skeptical reflection: Contextualizing police shooting decisions with skin-tone
Accuracy in social judgment does not exclude the potential for bias
Beyond stereotypes: Prejudice as an important missing force explaining group disparities
Centering the relationship between structural racism and individual bias
Cesario's framework for understanding group disparities is radically incomplete
Controlled lab experiments are one of many useful scientific methods to investigate bias
Culturally fluent real-world disparities can blind us to bias: Experiments using a cultural lens can help
Developmental research assessing bias would benefit from naturalistic observation data
Experimental studies of bias: Imperfect but neither useless nor unique
Experiments make a good breakfast, but a poor supper
External validity of social psychological experiments is a concern, but these models are useful
Fighting over who dictates the nature of prejudice
How should we understand “bias” as a thick concept in recruitment discrimination studies?
Missing context from experimental studies amplifies, rather than negates, racial bias in the real world
Missing perspective: Marginalized groups in the social psychological study of social disparities
Practical consequences of flawed social psychological research on bias
Social bias insights concern judgments rather than real-world decisions
Surely not all experimental studies of bias need abandoning?
Taking social psychology out of context
The call for ecological validity is right but missing perceptual idiosyncrasies is wrong
The importance of ecological validity, ultimate causation, and natural categories
The internal validity obsession
The logic of challenging research into bias and social disparity
The missing consequences: A fourth flaw of experiments
The only thing that can stop bad causal inference is good causal inference
The unbearable limitations of solo science: Team science as a path for more rigorous and relevant research
Two thousand years after Archimedes, psychologist finds three topics that will simply not yield to the experimental method
Understanding causal mechanisms in the study of group bias
What can the implicit social cognition literature teach us about implicit social cognition?
Author response
Reply to the commentaries: A radical revision of experimental social psychology is still needed