Published online by Cambridge University Press: 23 June 2015
In 1993 a secondary school in Queensland was surveyed in order to measure the environmental attitudes and knowledge of its community. A questionnaire was developed using published items wherever possible. This report describes the responses provided by the year 11 population of the school. Demographic data on gender, region of birth, neighbourhood type and subject orientation were collected. Attitudinal data was collected in three parts: an affective component using the New Environmental Paradigm scale, a verbal commitment component and an actual commitment component. Data on factual and conceptual knowledge were also collected. Respondents registered highly positive attitudes and commitments to the environment but generally low scores on the knowledge scales. Demographic, attitudinal and knowledge data were analysed for possible interrleationships; correlations obtained were similar to those reported in the literature. However, the respondents' gender and academic orientation were not statistically related to their pro-environmental attitudes or knowledge.