Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 July 2012
Though many of the Antiquities of Britain have been so accurately described and illustrated by the learned of our nation, that we have as large and valuable a treasure of this kind as any of our neighbours; yet, in so vast a field, it is impossible but some things must have slipped by unregarded, or have been but transiently mentioned; a nearer and more particular view of which, as well as a further enquiry into their origin, I presume, would not be altogether unacceptable; so that what at first might seem to have had but a slender foundation, would become settled upon the immoveable basis of Reason and Truth.
page 168 note [h] Polychronicon R. Higdeni, Oxon. p. 202.
page 169 note [i] Camdeni Brit. in Brig. impress. Lond. 1600.
page 170 note [k] Dugdale's Hist. Account of the cath. church of York, p. 7. London, 1715.
page 170 note [l[ Bedae Hist. Eccles. lib. ii. cap. 8.
page 170 note [m] Ibid. lib. iii. cap. 3.
page 171 note [n] Monasticon Anglic. Vol. III. p. 129.
page 171 note [o] Ibid. Hist. Account of the cath. church, York, p. 6.
page 171 note [p] Monast. Angl. Vol. III. p. 129.
page 171 note [q] Ibid. p. 130.
page 171 note [r] Polychron Higden. lib, vi. p. 273.
page 172 note [s] Simeon Dunelmens.
page 172 note [t] Chronicon Sax. p. 153.
page 172 note [u] Gulielm. Malmsbury, de Antiquitate Glastoniensis. eccles. edit. Oxon. p. 323.
page 172 note [x] Chron. Sax. p. 154.
page 172 note [y] Lelandi Collect. Tom. I. pars ii. p. 378.
page 173 note [z] Chron. Sax. p. 157.
page 173 note [a] Cod. MS. Bib. Cotton. Cleopatra, cap. iv, p. 25. N°. 2.
page 174 note [b] Aelfredi Magni Vita per Spelman, in notis, p. 81.
page 174 note [c] Hist of England, Tyrrell, General Introduction.
page 175 note [d] Lelandi Collectan. Vol. II. p. 337.
page 175 note [e] MS. Cod. Bib. Cott. Claud. N°. 3. p. 194.
page 176 note [f] Camden's Brit. in Berks.
page 176 note [g] Parochial Antiquities by Kennet, p. 51.
page 177 note [h] Ingulfus, Edit. Oxon. p. 70.
page 178 note [i] Mabillon, de Re Diplomatica, lib. i. cap. 5.
page 178 note [k] Spelmanni Confilia, Tom. I. p. 125.
page 178 note [l] De Re Diplomatica, lib. iii. cap. 4.
page 179 note [m] In Suburbio civitatis Andegavenfis, Angers.
page 179 note [n] Vide pag. 23.
page 179 note [o] Monastic. Anglic. Vol. iii. p. 154.
page 180 note [p] Antient Rites and Monuments of Durham, by Davis, p. 28.
page 180 note [q] The rich cover of this is now lost, the present being modern, of red leather, with the arms of the Cottons in Gold on each; but in the first leaf of the book, being written on vellom, are these verses :
page 181 note [r] Histoire de l'Abbaye R. de St. Denys, par Felibien, p. 7.
page 181 note [s] Mon. Ang. Vol. iii. p. 173.