Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 July 2012
The following paper collects and puts together some scattered historic traces of the architecture used in the transalpine parts of Europe, in order from thence to suggest a line of inquiry after the origin of that particular species of it, called the Gothick; and also after the institution of that Collegium or corporation of Free-masons, whom I conceive to have been the first formers of this architecture into a regular and scientifick order, by applying the models and proportions of timber frame-work to building Stone.
page 111 note [a] Chronica Brompton.
page 112 note [b] Vide Richard Prior Hagulstadensis de statu ecclesiæ, lib. i. c. 3.
page 112 note [c] Ib. c. 22.
page 113 note [d] Chronicon Gervasii.
page 118 note [e] 1 Kings, V. 6.
page 120 note [f] 1 Kings, chap. v. 6.
page 123 note [g] With respect to writs for election of members of the House of Commons much earlier than the commonly supposed date of the existence of that House. With respect also to the Form of Renouncing Allregiance to a sovereign forfeiting his right to that allegiance.