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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 July 2012
An inscription which we find in the Vigna Giustiniani at Rome contains these words; “Signum æreum Panthéum.” The existence of Panthéa is therefore certain. But what is it that constitutes a Panthéum? Upon this point we have nothing but conjecture to guide us.
The words Panthéum, Panthéon, and Panthéa, may probably signify such gods as have the symbols or attributes of several Deities belonging to them. Sec Dictionaire de Mythologie.
page 45 note [a] The words Panthéum, Panthéon, and Panthéa, may probably signify such gods as have the symbols or attributes of several Deities belonging to them. See Dictionaire de Mythologie.
page 45 note [b] See also two in Gruter I. 5. 6, signum Panthéi et signum Panthéum.
page 47 note [c] Science des Med. II. p. 368.
page 47 note [d] Ib. p. 392.
page 47 note [e] Ib. p. 377.
page 48 note [f] Dissertation on the God Bonus Eventus; Mem. of the Acad. des Insc. & Belles Lettres, III. p. 94. 12°.
page 48 note [g] Antiq. Expl. Vol. III. P. ii. b. iii. c. 20. p. 108.
page 48 note [h] Ib. pl. CXII. fig. 12.
page 48 note [i] Ib. c. 18.
page 49 note [k] Mem. de l'Acad. des Insc. VI. 240.
page 49 note [l] Parallele d'Homere et de Platon. Mem. de l'Acad. des Insc. II. p. 8. 12°.
page 49 note [m] Mem. de l'Acad. des Insc. X. 75.
page 51 note [n] V. I. p. ii. b. iv. c. 8. p. 388.
page 51 note [o] Utilité des Voyages, I. p. 218.
page 51 note [p] Ib. p. 255.
page 51 note [q] Ubi. sup. I. ii. p. 325.
page 52 note [r] Memoires de Trevoux Apr. et May 1736.
page 52 note [s] Nec defuerunt qui scriberent Jovem, Junonem, ac Minervam, Deos Penates existere, sine quibus vivere ac sapere nequeamus, et qui penitus nos regant ratione, calore, ac spiritu. Ut videtis, et hic quoque nihil concinens dicitur, &c.
Compare also Macrob. Sat. III. c. 4.
page 53 note [t] L. VIII. p. 213. ed. Francofurti, 1586.
page 54 note [u] Livy, VIII. c. 9.
page 54 note [w] Du vrai et parfait amour, Par. 1612, 12°.
page 55 note [x] Vitel. c. 2.
page 56 note [y] Lib. VIII and XIV. de verb. signif.
page 56 note [z] Hist. Rom. Script. Latini veteres, P. 11. p. 349. col. 2. Lamprid. vit. Alex. Sev. c. 29.
page 57 note [a] Horsley, Northumb. XCVI. p. 243.
page 57 note [b] I. 5. 6.
page 57 note [c] LIX. p. 648.
page 57 note [d] Ovid, Metam. I. 193.
page 57 note [e] Ib. 693.