Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 June 2012
Having some years ago communicated to the Society of Antiquaries, in a letter addressed to you, certain documents relating to sir Thomas More, you will, perhaps, allow me again to trouble you upon a subject connected with that illustrious sufferer for conscience-sake.
page 151 note a Burnet's Hist. Reform, vol. i. p. 149
page 151 note b Ibid. vol. ii. p. 316.
page 152 note c Rastall published eighteen letters of sir Thomas More: 3 written to Cromwell, one to the king, 8 to Mrs. Roper, a general letter addressed to his friends, 2 written to Dr. Wilson, one to Master Leder, one to Anthony Bonvyse, and one to his wife before his troubles; he also published 2 letters written to sir Thomas by Mrs. Roper, one by Lady Allington to Mrs. Roper, and one in Mrs. Roper's name to Lady Allington.
page 153 note d Bibliotheca Norfolciana, sive Catalogus libror. quos Henric. dux Norfolc. Reg. Soc. Lond. donavit, 4to. Lond. 1681, p. 134.