Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 July 2012
I have the honour of communicating to the Society a translation of a letter addressed to me by the Abbé La Rue, upon a very important branch of English literature.
The attention with which it has already honoured the labours of this ingenious and learned writer, will not, I trust, be diminished upon the present occasion.
page 38 note [a] Prologue des Lais de Marie.
page 38 note [b] Lai du chevre-seuille.
page 39 note [c] Pyramus Vie de St. Edmond Bibl. Cotton. Domit. A. XI.
page 39 note [d] Prolog, des Lais de Marie.
page 40 note [e] Prolog, des Lais de Marie.
page 41 note [f] Æiivres de Fauchet, p. 579. Recherches de la France, 1. 8. c. 1.
page 41 note [g] Pyramus loco citato.
page 42 note [h] Fabliaux, Vol. IV. p. 110.
page 42 note [i] Ibid. Vol. I. p. 92.
page 42 note [k] Bibl. Cotton. Calig. A. II.
page 43 note [l] Bibl. Cotton. Calig. A. II.
page 44 note [m] Æuvres tie Fauchet, p. 579.
page 44 note [n] Bibl. Franc. &c. par Juvigny, Tom. II. p. 89. Tom. V. p. 23.
page 45 note [o] Conclusion of Mary's Fables.
page 45 note [p] Fabliaux du xii. and xiii. siecle, Vol. iv. p. 321.
page 45 note [q] Dictionn. Raisonné de Diplomatique Verbo Comte.
page 45 note [r] Martiniere Dict. Geographique, V. Dampierre.
page 46 note [s] Art de verisier les dates, chap, des Contes de Flandres.
page 46 note [t] Ibid.
page 46 note [u] Sandford's Genealogical History of the Kings of England, p. 114.
page 46 note [w] Ibid. p 116, and M. Paris, p. 317.
page 46 note [y] Sandford, Ibid.
page 48 note [y] Fabliaux, Vol. IV. p. 330.
page 49 note [z] Fabliaux, Vol. IV. p. 329.
page 50 note [a] Fabliaux, Vol. IV. p. 329.
page 50 note [b] Bibl. Franc. Vol. V. p. 23; and Æuvres de Fauchet, p. 579.
page 50 note [c] Conclusion of Mary's Fables.
page 54 note [f] Phædr. Prolog. Lib. I.
page 55 note [g] Preface to Mary's Fables.
page 55 note [h] Fabric. Bibl. Latin. Lib. II. C. 3.
page 56 note [i] Preface to the Fables of Mary.
page 56 note [k] Vincent. Bcllovac. Lib. IV. c. 2.
page 56 note [l] Fabric, loco citato.
page 57 note [m] Menage diction. etymol. V. Romans. Duchesne, Œuvres de Maiftre Alain Chartier, p. 861.
page 57 note [n] Pasquier Recherches, Liv. VIII. c. I.
page 58 note [o] Henry's Hist. of England, Vol.11, p. 348, &c.
page 58 note [p] Asseri Vita Alsredi. Malmsb. Hist. Lib. II. c. 4.
page 59 note [q] Spelman: Vita Alsredi. pp. 93 and 98.
page 60 note [r] Johnson's History of the English Language, p. 5, &c.
page 60 note [s] Bibl. Reg. 15 A. VII. Præf. ad Fabul.
page 60 note [t] , Spelman. loc. cit. p. 89.Google Scholar
page 60 note [u] Madox's History of the Exchequer, c. 4.
page 61 note [w] Orderic. Vitalis Hist, apud Duchesne, pp. 488, 681, and 1084.
page 63 note [x] Narrationcs Magistri Odonisde Ciringtonia.
page 64 note [y] Fabliaux. Vol. IV.
page 64 note [z] Vol. III. PP. 197, 201, 440, 448
page 65 note [a] Fabliaux, Vol. V.
page 66 note [b] See his Works amongst the Harleian MSS. N0 4333.