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The excavation of the School in 1968, as in 1967, was at Knossos. In addition, a new excavation under Dr A. C. Renfrew was sponsored at Photolivos in Thrace, and Dr P. Warren's excavation at Myrtos on the South coast of Crete was completed. Underwater operations at Elaphonisos in the S. Peloponnese led by Mr R. C. Jones were also sponsored by the School, while in Cyprus the (retiring) Director completed his excavation at Paphos. At Knossos, Mr Sackett completed the excavation begun in 1967 of the post-Minoan overlay of the Unexplored Mansion, and Mr Popham, Assistant Director of the School, excavated the late Minoan levels, which had been extensively robbed in places. The main rooms of the building had been destroyed in LM I11 AI period, though some were remodelled and reused later in the LM I11 B. To this latter period belongs the figurine with raised arms (PL. xvIIIa).
We published in 1963 an account of the work of the British Schools of Archaeology and History abroad for 1962, and for the five years following added to this a report on the work of the Egypt Exploration Society (ANTIQUITY, 1963, 36; 1964, 7; 1965, 33; 1966, 87; 1967, 125; 1968, 88). Here the Directors of the Schools and the Field Director of the Egypt Exploration Society provide a summary account of the work of British official archaeological institutions abroad during 1968. The reports of the Schools are again printed in order of their establishment.
We published in 1963 an account of the work of the British Schools of Archaeology and History abroad for 1962, and for the five years following added to this a report on the work of the Egypt Exploration Society ( ANTIQUITY , 1963, 36; 1964, 7; 1965, 33; 1966, 87; 1967, 125; 1968, 88). Here the Directors of the Schools and the Field Director of the Egypt Exploration Society provide a summary account of the work of British official archaeological institutions abroad during 1968. The reports of the Schools are again printed in order of their establishment.