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Transition from bronze to iron at Kourion: a review of the tombs from Episkopi-Bamboula and Kaloriziki1
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 September 2013
Two cemeteries associated with the early iron age occupation of Kourion have been excavated at the localities of Bamboula and Kaloriziki. In his publications of these cemeteries Benson attempted to demonstrate continuity of occupation at Kourion in the transitional bronze–iron age. A reanalysis of the pottery from both cemeteries has instead shown that the supposed continuity of occupation at Kourion is a result of Benson's erroneous identification of the final Late Cypriot and Initial Cypro-Geometric wares.
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2 Iacovou, M., ‘The topography of eleventh century BC Cyprus’, in Karageorghis, V. (ed.), Cyprus in the 11th Century BC (Nicosia, 1994), 149.Google Scholar
3 Ibid. 149–50.
4 E. Gjerstad, ‘The initial date of the Cypriote Iron Age’, Op. Ath. (1944), 73–106.
5 Kling, B., ‘A terminology for the matte-painted, wheelmade pottery of Late Cypriot II C–III A’, in Barlow, J. A., Bolger, D. L., and Kling, B. (eds), Cypriot Ceramics: Reading the Prehistoric Record (Philadelphia, 1991), 181.Google Scholar
6 Pieridou, A., Πρωτογεωμετρικὸς ῥύθμος ἐν Κυπρῴ (Athens, 1973).Google Scholar
7 Iacovou 1988; ead., ‘Proto-White Painted pottery: a classification of the ware’, in Barlow, J. A., Bolger, D. L., and Kling, B. (eds), Cypriot Ceramics: Reading the Prehistoric Record (Philadelphia, 1991), 199–205.Google Scholar
8 Iacovou 1988, 11.
9 Imitating metal, particularly silver, vessels; cf. L. Steel, ‘Pottery production in Cyprus in the eleventh century BC’, in Karageorghis (n. 2), 243; cf. Markoe, G., Phoenician Bronze and Silver Bowls from Cyprus and the Mediterranean (Berkeley, 1985), 267, no. Cy 18.Google Scholar
10 Steel (n. 1), 155.
11 Kaloriziki, 119–20.
12 Karageorghis, V., Palaepaphos–Skales: An Iron Age Cemetery in Cyprus (Nicosia, 1983), 369.Google Scholar
13 Iacovou 1988, 49.
14 Karageorghis, V., Alaas: A Protogeometric Necropolis in Cyprus (Nicosia, 1975).Google Scholar
15 Iacovou 1988, 7–8.
16 SCE iv.2. 202.
17 Iacovou 1988, 9.
18 Ibid. 7.
19 Walters, H. B., ‘Excavations at Kourion’, in Murray, A. S., Walters, H. B., and Smith, A. H., Excavations in Cyprus (London, 1900), 57–62.Google Scholar
20 Bamboula, 4, 10.
21 Benson, J. L., ‘Bamboula at Kourion: the stratification of the settlement’, RDAC (1969), 12–15, area A, stratum EGoogle Scholar; id., ‘Bamboula at Kourion: the stratification of the settlement’, RDAC (1970), 41; Bamboula, 6.
22 Young, J. H. and Young, S. H., Terracotta Figurines from Kourion in Cyprus (Philadelphia, 1955), 224.Google Scholar
23 Adelman, C. M., ‘Review of Bamboula at Kourion: the Necropolis and Finds’, JNES 35 (1976), 284Google Scholar; Iacovou, M., ‘society and settlements in Late Cypriote III’, in Peltenburg, E. (ed.), Early Society in Cyprus (Edinburgh, 1989), 56.Google Scholar
24 Bamboula, 26, 28–9.
25 Adelman (n. 23), 284.
26 B664, Bamboula, pl. 46.
27 Ibid. table 0.
28 Ibid. 27.
29 B738, Ibid. pl. 29.
30 Kaloriziki, passim; Adelman (n. 23), 284–5.
31 The CG II–CC I tombs are not included in the following discussion.
32 Kaloriziki, 26–7, pl. 4.
33 Ibid.
34 K195–6, Ibid., pl. 21.
35 K841, Ibid., pl. 32.
36 K344–5, Ibid., pl. 24.
37 K352, Ibid., pl. 25.
38 Ibid. pl. 3.
39 K172, Ibid., pl. 21.
40 K373–4, Ibid., pl. 25.
41 K180 and K288, Ibid., pls 21, 23.
42 K1003, Ibid., pl.40.
43 K920, Ibid., pl. 38.
44 K941–2, Ibid., pl. 39.
45 K353, Ibid. 28, pl. 25.
46 Ibid. 28.
47 K35, Ibid., pls 25–6.
48 K657–K661, Ibid., pl. 34.
49 K289, Ibid., pl. 46.
50 Ibid. 29.
51 K562, Ibid., pls 26, 34.
52 Ibid. 31, pl. 6.
53 K1004, Ibid., pl. 21.
54 K247, Ibid., pls 26, 34.
55 K921–3, Ibid., pl. 38.
56 SCE ii. 388–9.
57 SCE i. 206, 208.
58 Ibid. 190, 192.
59 Kaloriziki, 32–6.
60 Gjerstad (n. 4), 80.
61 Iacovou 1988, 9; ead. (n. 23), 56.
62 Daniel 1937, 61.
63 K64; Daniel 1937, pl. iv. 54.
64 K36–7; Daniel 1937, pl. iv. 41, 73.
65 K62; Daniel 1937, pl. v. 10.
66 K72; Daniel 1937, pl. v. 40.
67 K13; Daniel 1937, pl. iv. 98.
68 K973, Kaloriziki, pl. 20.
69 Bikai, P., The Phoenician Pottery of Cyprus (Nicosia, 1987), 61.Google Scholar
70 Numbered as 100–2 and catalogued as K54, K19, K136 by Benson.
71 Daniel 1937, 57–61.
72 Kaloriziki, 36.
73 K158; Daniel 1937, pl. i. 85.
74 K346, Kaloriziki, pl. 25.
75 Ibid. pl. 10.
76 Ibid. 43.
77 K143, Ibid., pl. 19.
78 K302, Ibid., pl. 23.
79 K232, Ibid., pl. 21.
80 Adelman, C. M., Cypro-Geometric Pottery: Refinements in Classification (SIMA 47; Göteborg, 1976), 97.Google Scholar
81 Ibid. 96–7.
82 Karageorghis (n. 12), 362 n. 4; Iacovou 1988, 39.
83 Kaloriziki, 44.
84 K662–8, Ibid., pls 30, 50.
85 K368–9, Ibid., pls 25, 27, and K371.
86 K348, Ibid., pl. 25.
87 K487, Ibid., pl. 30.
88 K1001, Ibid., pl. 40.
89 Ibid. 45.
91 Contra Benson, K241–3, Ibid., pl. 21 and K245.
92 K503, Ibid., pl. 28.
93 K144, Ibid., pl. 19.
94 Ibid. 47.
95 Ibid. 46, 47.
96 K413, Ibid., pl. 28.
97 K439–50, Ibid., pl. 25.
98 K340, Ibid., pl. 24.
99 K421, Ibid., pl. 29.
100 K175, Ibid., pl. 21.
101 K339, Ibid., pl. 24.
102 K372, Ibid., pl. 25.
103 K335–6. K338, Ibid., pls 24, 46.
104 K109, Ibid., pl. 18.
105 K154, Ibid., pl. 19.
106 K412, Ibid., pl. 28.
107 K284, K259, Ibid., pls 22, 30.
108 K354, Ibid. 47.
109 K184–5, Ibid., pl. 45.
110 K354, K356, Ibid., pls 25, 47.
111 K506, K508, Ibid., pl. 49.
112 K1005, K1007, Ibid., pl. 54, and uncatalogued no. 5.
113 K935, K943–4, Ibid., pl. 53; cf. coarse ware jugs from tomb 20, p. 294 above.
114 k504, Ibid., pl. 49.
115 K584, K610, Ibid., pl. 50.
116 kK214, K216, Ibid., pl. 45.
117 K347, Ibid. 48–9.
118 Ibid. pl. 41.
119 Karageorghis (n. 12), pls lx–lxiii, lxxxix–xc.
120 K302, Kaloriziki, pl. 23.
121 K593. Ibid., pl. 34.
122 K333, Ibid., pl. 24.
123 K420, Ibid., pl. 29
124 K367, Ibid., pl. 25.
125 McFadden 1954, nos. 37, 39–40, pls 22, 27.
126 Ibid., no. 38, pl. 18.
127 Ibid. 131, n. 2.
128 Ibid., no. 11, pl. 21.
129 N. Korou, ‘sceptres and maces in Cyprus before, during and after the eleventh century BC’, in Karageorghis (n. 2), 205 n. 18.
130 Goring, E., ‘The Kourion sceptre: some facts and factoids’, in Morris, C. (ed.) Klados: Essays in Honour of Professor J. N. Coldstream (BICS supp. 63; London, 1995), 103–10.Google Scholar
131 McFadden 1954, 133.
132 Bronze armour attachments (cf. Kytlicova, O., ‘Přispěvek K problematice koženỳch pancírů zdobenỳch bronzem v. období popelnicovỳch polí’, Archeologické Rozhledy, 40 (1988), 306–21Google Scholar; Bouzek, J., ‘An alternative reconstruction of the Kaloriziki shield’, RDAC (1988), 319–20)Google Scholar; and bronze urn. Cf. McFadden 1954, pls 21–2, 25–6.
133 McFadden 1954, pl. 21.
134 Bikai (n. 69), 82.
135 Iacovou 1988, 8.
136 Iacovou (n. 23), 56; ead., (n. 2), 156–7. lacovou, however, does note several PWP vases confiscated by the Department of Antiquities in Episkopi, allegedly found in clandestine excavations in the Kourion area.
137 Kaloriziki, 50.
138 K1002, K1006, Ibid., pl. 40.
139 K305, Ibid., pl. 46.
140 K984–6, K995, K997, Ibid., pls 30, 54.
141 K974, Ibid., pl. 20.
142 K656, Ibid., pl. 50.
143 K376, Ibid., pl. 26.
144 Ibid. 52.
145 K1146, Ibid., pl. 41.
146 Karageorghis, V., The Coroplastic Art of Ancient Cyprus, ii: Late Cypriote II–Cypro-Geometric III (Nicosia, 1993), 82.Google Scholar
147 Kaloriziki, 52.
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