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A Survey of Laconian Epigraphy, 1913–1925
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 October 2013
The year 1913 witnessed the publication, under the auspices of the Prussian Academy, of the Corpus of Laconian and Messenian inscriptions (I.G. v. 1), edited (after part of the preliminary preparation had been carried out by M. Fraenkel and H. von Prott) by Walther Kolbe, at that time Professor of Ancient History in the University of Rostock. This event marked the beginning of a new epoch in the study of Laconian inscriptions, for the volume in question, thanks to its authoritative character and to the skill and devotion of its successive editors, naturally serves as the almost unquestioned basis of all further investigation. Its completeness and its correctness are accepted as axiomatic. It seems worth while, therefore, at a time when the British School is renewing its campaigns of excavation at Sparta with every hope and prospect of important epigraphical results, to make an attempt to strengthen this foundation, in however slight a degree, (1) by presenting a brief account of the Laconian inscriptions omitted from I.G. v. 1 or published in the twelve years which have elapsed since its issue, and (2) by making certain additions to the bibliographies of the inscriptions which it contains. With the Messenian section of the volume I shall not here deal.
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- Research Article
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- Copyright
- Copyright © The Council, British School at Athens 1925
1 In this article references to I.G. v. 1 are indicated by Clarendon type (e.g. 1114). For economy of space I employ the following abbreviations in addition to those in current use:
Allen = Allen, F. D., Papers of the American School at Athens, iv, Boston, 1888.Google Scholar
David = David, E., Dialecti Laconicae monumenta epigr., Königsberg, 1882.Google Scholar
Geffcken = Geffcken, J., Griechische Epigramme, Heidelberg, 1916.Google Scholar
Heikel = Heikel, I. A., Griech. Inschriften sprachlich erklärt, Helsingfors, 1924.Google Scholar
E. Hoffmann = Hoffmann, E., Sylloge Epigrammatam Graecorum, Halle, 1893Google Scholar
O. Hoffmann = S.G.D.I. iv. pp. 678–753, Göttingen, 1911.
Müll. = Müllensiefen, P., De titulorum Lacon, dialecto, Strasburg, 1882.Google Scholar
Schwyzer = Schwyzer, E., Dialectorum Graec. exempla epigr., Leipzig, 1923.Google Scholar
S.E.G. = Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leyden, 1923 ff.
S.I.G. = Dittenberger, W., Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1898–1901Google Scholar, 3rd ed. 1915–24.
Wide = Wide, S., Lakonische Kulte, Leipzig, 1893.Google Scholar
Ziebarth = Ziebarth, E. in Bursians Jahresbericht, clxxxiv. 91 ff.Google Scholar