Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Ferrinho, Adrielle M.
Nassu, Renata T.
Aldai, Noelia
Bravo-Lamas, Leire
Furlan, Maísa L.N.
Toda, Beatriz M.
Utembergue, Bruno L.
Rezende, Romulo G.
Mueller, Lenise F.
Furlan, Joyce J.M.
Zanata, Mariana
Baldi, Fernando
Pereira, Angélica S.C.
Whole cottonseed, vitamin E and finishing period affect the fatty acid profile and sensory traits of meat products from Nellore cattle.
Meat Science,
Vol. 138,
Issue. ,
Nogueira, Ricardo Galbiatti Sandoval
Perna Junior, Flavio
Tseu, Ramos Jorge
Rodrigues, Paulo Henrique Mazza
Dietary effects of cottonseed and vitamin E on greenhouse gas emissions from cattle feces analyzed in biodigesters.
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira,
Vol. 58,
Issue. ,