Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 September 2010
Two hundred and four Targhee ewes and 15 rams were used to study the effect of the number of ewes per ram on mating activity and conception rate in ewes mated after synchronizing oestrus with intravaginal, progestinated pessaries. Each ram was mated with 8, 12, 16 or 20 ewes.
The number of ewes per ram had no influence on the percentage of ewes mated or conception rate at the synchronized oestrus. It also had no effect on percentage of ewes lambing, number of lambs born per ewe lambing or average lambing date. Seventy-six% of the ewes were marked within 8 days after progestagen treatment with a conception rate of 84-5%. This study demonstrated that one ram per 20 ewes is sufficient for maximum mating activity and conception rate in ewes mated at a synchronized oestrus.