The site of the Cilician city known during the period of the Roman Empire as Caesarea, Caesarea by Anazarbus, or Anazarbus, is some 28 km. south of Kozan in the Turkish province of Seyhan. The place still retains its name as Anavarza, a hamlet built just outside the walls of the ancient city.
The choice of Anazarbus as a subject for research may seem to require some explanation. It was never one of the great cities of antiquity; indeed it is not yet certain that it even existed before the 1st century B.C. It never received more than scant notice from ancient authorities, while modern travellers, hampered by bad communications, a difficult climate, and a lawless population, were unable to spend more than a day or two at the site and consequently could not give more than a general idea of its monuments.
In 1949, as Scholar of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, I had decided to study the Classical architecture of Cilicia, and at the same time to collect information on the many mediaeval castles in the district.