Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 Steve, Charnovitz, Two Centuries of Participation: NGOs and International Governance, 18 Mich. J. Int’l L. 183, 268–70 (1997)Google Scholar.
2 This review does not cover the discussion—in several chapters in the different books—regarding the NGO role in European institutions.
3 Macdonald does not take note, and was undoubtedly unaware, of an important 2002 article by Bosire Maragia proposing an ontology of world politics featuring multiple sites of authority and multiple sources of legitimacy, and then applying these concepts to the question of the legitimacy of NGOs. Bosire, Maragia, Almost There: Another Way of Conceptualizing and Explaining NGOs’ Quest for Legitimacy in Global Politics, 2 Non–St. Actors & Int’l L. 301 (2002)Google Scholar.
4 Kenneth, Anderson, What NGO Accountability Means—And Does Not Mean, 103 AJIL 170,176 (2009) (reviewing Ngo Accountability: Politics, Principles & Innovations (Lisa, Jordan & Peter van, Tuijl eds., 2006))Google Scholar.
5 Id. at 177.
6 Id.