Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017
One of the many roles played by international law in the Colombian Peace Accord is that of guarantor—that is, creating assurances that the parties will comply with their commitments. To this end, negotiators declared that the Final Peace Accord would constitute a Special Agreement (SA) in “terms of Article 3 common to all Geneva Conventions of 1949,” which “will be introduced [in the Colombian legal system] as part of the constitutional block” and deposited “before the Swiss Federal Council.” Furthermore, they stated, “a presidential declaration will be made taking the form of a unilateral declaration of the Colombian State before the Secretary-General of the United Nations,” and its incorporation in a Resolution of the Security Council will be requested.
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6 Corte Constitucional [C.C.] [Constitutional Court], Sentencia No. C-225/95 (Colom.).
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12 Lang, supra note 8, at 162.
13 Id. at 163.
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19 ACCOLDI, IntervencióN Al Expediente D-11329 Ante La Corte Constitucional 22 (2016).
20 Commentary on Article 3: Conflicts not of an International Character, ICRC paras. 850-851 (2016).
21 For example the topic on agrarian development and on illicit drugs of the Colombian PA.
22 This is the subject of an ongoing case before the Constitutional Court (Case file D-11329).
23 FiscalíA General De La NacióN, Solicitud De Declaratoria De La Constitucionalidad Condicionada De La ExpresióN “ACUERDO”, Contenida En El Acuerdo General Para La Terminación Del Conflicto Y La ConstruccióN De Una Paz Estable Y Duradera (2016); Fiscalía General De La NacióN, Intervención Al Expediente D-11329 Ante La Corte Constitucional (2016); Francisco Barbosa, El acuerdo especial y el plebiscito, El Tiempo (Mar. 16, 2016, 4:24 PM).
24 Procuraduría General De La NacióN, Intervención Al Expediente D-11329 Ante La Corte Constitucional (2016); Alfredo Ramos, Agumentos Para Enviar A La Corte Constitucional Frente A Demanda De Constitucionalidad De La Palabra “Acuerdo” (2016).
25 Dejusticia, Intervención Al Expediente D-11329 Ante La Corte Constitucional (2016).
26 ACCOLDI, supra note 19; Daniel Pardo Calderón et al., supra note 18.