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International Law and the Environment. By Patricia W. Birnie and Alan E. Boyle. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. Pp. xxvii, 549. Index. $89, cloth; $45, paper. - Basic Documents of International Environmental Law. Vol. 1: The Important Declarations; Vols. 2 and 3: The Important Agreements. Edited by Harald Hohmann. London: Kluwer/Graham and Trotman Ltd., 1992. Pp. xxxii, 1850. $644; £300.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017

- Type
- Book Reviews and Notes
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- Copyright
- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1994
1 31 ILM 876 (1992).
2 1–3 Y.B. Int'l Envtl. L. (Gunther Handled., 1991–93).
3 The Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy and the Georgetown International Environmental Law Review began publication in 1990; the Review of European Community and International Environmental Law was launched in 1992.
4 For insightful treatments of these issues, see Peter H. Sand, Lessons Learned in Global Environmental Governance (1990); Thomas Gehring, International Environmental Regimes: Dynamic Sectoral Legal Systems, 1 Y.B. Int'l Envtl. L. 35 (1990).
5 See, e.g., Global Accord: Environmental Challenges and International Responses (Nazli Choucri ed., 1993); Institutions for the Earth: Sources of Effective International Environmental Protection (Peter M. Haas, Robert O. Keohane & Marc A. Levy eds., 1993); Polar Politics: Creating International Environmental Regimes (Oran Young & Gail Osherenko eds., 1993).
6 International Protection of the Environment: Treaties and Related Documents (Bernd Riister, Bruno Simma & Michael Bock eds.; 1st ser., vols. 1–30, 1975–1982; 2d ser., vols. 1–4, 1988–1993).
7 International Environmental Law: Basic Instruments and References (Edith Brown Weiss, Paul C. Szasz & Daniel B. Magraw eds., 1992).
8 See also International Environmental Soft Law: Collection of Relevant Documents (Wolfgang E. Burhenne ed., 1992).
9 Supra note 7.
10 By contrast, the Weiss/Szasz/Magraw collection, supra note 7, includes a wider range of documents, including human rights treaties, national constitutions and voluntary agreements.
11 In both of the last-mentioned respects, the collection by Rüster & Simma, supra note 6, is preferable to the Hohmann collection.
12 The basis of these clusters is at times idiosyncratic. For example, the 1980 UNEP Guidelines on Cooperation between States in Weather Modification and the FAO International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources are included as “supplemental documents” to the 1982 World Charter for Nature.