Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 April 2017
Discussions of the subject in general treatises on international law have not been included.
page 474 note 1 The Reporters desire to express their appreciation and indebtedness to many who have assisted them in their work. They especially desire to mention the assistance of Mr. Frederic C. Smedley, of the New York Bar, whose untiring and painstaking researches facilitated to a large extent the collection and organization of the materials used in the comments. Mr. Norman W. Schur, of the New York Bar, helped in the translation of Italian and Dutch texts. The translation of the Czechoslovak texts was obtained through the kindness of His Excellency, Dr. Edouard Benes, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czechoslovak Republic. The Hungarian Foreign Office, through the kind intervention of His Excellency, Count László Széchényi, Hungarian Minister to the United States, generously assisted in the collection of material in Hungary. The Pohsh decisions were obtained through the kindness of the Polish Embassy in Washington.
page 479 note 1 Italics inserted.
page 493 note 1 Italics inserted.
page 537 note 1 The Reporters were unable to obtain the original text on this decision.
page 542 note 1 Italics inserted.
page 547 note 1 Gerichtsbarkeit über fremde Staaten.—Reporters.
page 574 note 1 Italics inserted.
page 574 note 1 The above quoted provisions of the Austrian laws remained in force in Czechoslovakia, in the provinces of Bohemia and Moravia-Silesia, which before the Treaty of St. Germain belonged to the Austrian crown-lands. For the application and interpretation of these provisions see decision of the Czechoslovak Supreme Court, infra, p. 585.—Reporters.
page 576 note 1 The above quoted provisions of the Hungarian law remain in force in Czechoslovakia, in the provinces of Slovakia and Carpathian Euthenia which before the Treaty of Trianon formed part of the territory of Hungary.—Reporters.
page 577 note 1 Misprinted in the Archives Diplomatiques; the number of the statute referred to is 1037. —Reporters.
page 586 note 1 For the Statute here referred to see supra, p. 575 under Laws and Statutes; §39 deals with the conditions under which local courts may assist in the enforcement of foreign judgments.— Reporters.
page 587 note 1 The reference is to the case Bardorf g. Belgische StaaU-und Eisenbahnfiskus.
page 587 note 2 For the text of these articles, see supra, page 575.—Reporters.
page 588 note 1 Italics inserted.
page 593 note 1 The number of the statute is misprinted in the Archives diplomatiques; the correct number is 1037. For the text see supra, Comment under Article 9, page 577.—Reporters.
page 690 note 1 The Austrian statute referred to remains in force in the provinces of Bohemia and Moravia-Silesia, which are now part of Czechoslovakia.—Reporters.
page 728 note 1 This convention has been ratified by the United States of America, which has not ratified the Protocol of Signature of the Pennanent Court of International Justice of December 16, 1920. See U. S. Treaty Series, No. 811.
page 730 note 1 The texts of the multipartite instruments mentioned in this paragraph are reproduced in Hudson, International Legislation, 1931 (four volumes).
page 737 note 1 League of Nations Doc. C.201.M. 75.1927.V., 22 American Journal of International Law, Supplement (1928), p. 127.
page 738 note 1 Tableau général des travaux (1873-1913), p. 150.