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China—Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products. WT/DS363/R
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017

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- International Decisions
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- Copyright © 2009 by The American Society of International Law
1 Panel Report, China—Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products, WT/DS363/R. Reports of WTO panels and the Appellate Body are available at
2 The other two cases are Appellate Body Report, China—Measures Affecting Imports of Automobile Parts, WT/DS339/AB/R, WT/DS340/AB/R, & WT/DS342/AB/R (adopted Jan. 20,2009), modifying Panel Reports, China—Measures Affecting Imports of Automobile Parts, WT/DS339/R, WT/DS340/R, & WT/DS342/R (adopted Jan. 20, 2009), and Panel Report, China—Measures Affecting the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, WT/DS362/R (adopted Mar. 20, 2009).
3 Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Apr. 15, 1994, Annex 1A, [hereinafter GATT], in World Trade Organization, The Legal Texts: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations 423 (1999, reprinted 2007) [hereinafter The Legal Texts]. 4 Protocol on the Accession of the People’s Republic of China, W T O Doc. WT/L/432, annex (Nov. 23, 2001)Google Scholar.
5 Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Apr. 15, 1994, Annex IB [hereinafter GATS], in The Legal Texts, supra note 3, at 284.
6 Chris, Buckley, China to Appeal W TO Ruling on Entertainment Imports, News Daily (Aug. 17, 2009)Google Scholar, available at–us–china–wto/.
7 Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China, WTO Doc. WT/ACC/CHN/49 (Oct. 1, 2001).
8 GATS, supra note 5, Art. I:2(c). GATS Article 1:2 defines trade in services as the supply of a service by one of four modes, according to which WTO members classify their commitments.
9 Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Apr. 15, 1994, Annex 1A, in The Legal Texts, supra note 3, at 121.
10 Id. at 59.
11 See Simon, Lester & Kara, Leitner, Dispute Settlement Commentary for Panel Report: China—Publications and Audiovisual Products, at 63–64 (Sept. 2009)Google Scholar (on file with author). This proprietary article is available at
12 Appellate Body Report, United States—Measures Relating to Shrimp from Thailand/United States—Customs Bond Directive for Merchandise Subject to Anti–dumping/Countervailing Duties, WT/DS343/AB/R &WT/DS345/AB/R, paras. 310,319 (adopted Aug. 1, 2008), modifying Panel Reports, United States—Measures Relating to Shrimp from Thailand, WT/DS343/R, & United States—Customs Bond Directive for Merchandise Subject to Anti–dumping/Countervailing Duties, WT/DS345/R (adopted Aug. 1, 2008).
13 Appellate Body Report, United States—Measures Affecting the Cross–border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services, WT/DS285/AB/R, paras. 291–92, 305 (adopted Apr. 20, 2005) (reported by Joel Trachtman at 99 AJIL 861 (2005)).
14 See Andrew, Mitchell & Maxi, Shearer, With an Eye to the Past: The Use of Precedent in International Economic Law Google Scholar (working paper on file with author).
15 1155 UNTS 331 (May 23, 1969) [hereinafter VCLT]. Article 31 of the VCLT applies to the interpretation of WTO provisions in accordance with Article 3.2 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Apr. 15, 1994, Annex 2 [hereinafter DSU], in The Legal Texts, supra note 3, at 354. As GATS and GATT form part of the same treaty, they constitute relevant “context” for interpreting each other’s provisions (VCLT, Art. 31 (l)). As “judicial decisions,” previous WTO dispute settlement reports could constitute “subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law” pursuant to Article 38(l)(d) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice and thus “relevant rules of international law” (VCLT, Art. 31(3)(c)).
16 DSU, supra note 15, Art. 3.2.
17 Appellate Body Report, Brazil—Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres, WT/DS332/AB/R, para. 178 (adopted Dec. 17, 2007) (reported by Kevin Gray at 102 AJIL 610 (2008)).
18 See Lee, Tuthill & Laura, Sherman, Telecommunications: Can Trade Agreements Keep Up with Technology? in Opening Markets For Trade In Services: Countries And Sectors In Bilateral and Wto Negotiations 151 (Juan, Marchetti & Martin, Roy eds., 2008)Google Scholar.
19 See Tania, Voon, Cultural Products and the World Trade Organization (2009)Google Scholar.
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