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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 Volume 4 covers Articles 68 to 102 of Additional Protocol I and the two annexes thereto. Volume 4 also contains a table showing the distribution in Protocol I of all of the articles of the ICRC’s Draft Additional Protocol.
2 16 ILM 1391 (1977). As of January 15, 1984, there were 37 parties to Protocol I. ICRC, Signatures, Ratifications and Accessions to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and to the two Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977, ICRC Doc. INFO/DIF Nr.1/6, at 15 (1984).
3 6 UST 3114–695, 75 UNTS 31–468. As of January 15, 1984, there were 155 parties to the 1949 Geneva Conventions. ICRC, Signatures, supra note 2, at 15.
4 Volume 1 covers Articles 1–20, volume 2 covers Articles 21–44 and volume 3 covers Articles 45–67 of Protocol I. These volumes were reviewed in 75 AJIL 1022 (1981).
5 A more detailed analytical index to both Protocols, and the Hague Conventions of 1907, amplifying Jiří Toman’s Index of the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims of 12 August 1949 (1973), is under preparation for the ICRC by Professor Waldemar A. Solf of The American University, Washington, D.C., and this reviewer, to fulfill one goal of the ICRC’s second Programme of Action for the Dissemination of International Humanitarian Law and of the Principles and Ideals of the Red Cross, for the period 1982–1985.
6 16 ILM 1442 (1977). As of January 15, 1984, there were 31 parties to Protocol II. ICRC, Signatures, supra note 2, at 15.
7 Roach, , Book Review, 75 AJIL 1022, 1023 n.3 (1981)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Bothe, M., Partsch, K. & Solf, W., New Rules for Victims of Armed Conflicts 188–92 (1982)Google Scholar.
8 The discussions of the Ad Hoc Committee on Weapons are contained in volume 16 of the Official Records. The inability of the Diplomatic Conference to reach agreement on specific restrictions on conventional weapons (Doc. CDDH/SR.47, paras. 6–105, 7 Official Records 16–35) led to the UN Conference on Prohibitions or Restrictions of Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be excessively injurious or to have indiscriminate effects, Geneva, 1979– 1980, and to the 1980 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions of Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be excessively injurious or to have indiscriminate effects, 19 ILM 1525 (1980), entered into force Dec. 2, 1983. 83 Dep’t St. Bull. 88 (1983).
9 The ICRC’s proposal on reservations, Article 85 of the 1973 Draft Additional Protocol I, was deleted by Committee I in 1977 (Doc. CDDH/I/SR.76, para. 39, 9 Official Records 479), over the objection of certain Arab and other Third World states, such as Egypt (Doc. CDDH/I/SR.77, annex, id. at 498) and Syria (Doc. CDDH/I/SR.77, annex, id. at 509). See M. Bothe, K. Partsch & W. Solf, supra note 7, at 570–72. An attempt to reintroduce it during the Plenary session was defeated. Doc. CDDH/SR.46, paras. 82–101, 6 Official Records 355– 59; and Doc. CDDH/SR.47, paras. 1–5, 7 id. at 15–16.
10 The ICRC’s draft article on the defense of superior orders (Art. 77), adopted by Committee I (Doc. CDDH/I/SR.70, para. 18, 9 Official Records 392), was deleted in Plenary (Doc. CDDH/SR.45, paras. 3–13 & annex, 6 id. at 307–09 & 329–40). See M. Bothe, K. Partsch & W. Solf, supra note 7, at 507, 524.