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Decision on Civil Party Participation in Provisional Detention Appeals. Case No. 002/19-09-2007-ECCC/OCIJ (PTC01)
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017

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- International Decisions
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- Copyright © American Society of International Law 2009
1 Case No. 002/ 19–09–2007–ECCC/OCIJ (PTC01) (Mar. 20, 2008). The court’s legal materials, including the records of the instant case, are available at the Web site of the Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), at <. The full list of documents for the case (with links to the documents themselves) is at < (select case/appeal no. 002/PTC01).
2 He held titles such as deputy secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea, chairman of the People’s Assembly, and acting prime minister. ECCC Office of the Co–investigating Judges, Case No. 002/14–08–2006/Investigation No. 002/19–09–2007, Provisional Detention Order 2 (Sept. 19, 2007).
3 Id.
4 Nuon Chea’s Appeal Against Order of Provisional Detention, Case No. 002/19–09–2007–ECCC/OCIJ (PTC01) (Nov. 8, 2007).
5 ECCC, Introduction to the ECCC, at <.
6 Law on the Establishment of Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes Committed During the Period of Democratic Kampuchea, Art. 33 new (2004); Agreement Between the United Nations and the Royal Government of Cambodia Concerning the Prosecution Under Cambodian Law of Crimes Committed During the Period of Democratic Kampuchea, Art. 12 (2003).
7 ECCC, Internal Rules (Rev. 2, Sept. 5, 2008) [hereinafter ECCC Internal Rules].
8 Id., Rule 63(1).
9 Joint and Several Submissions on Civil–Party Participation in Appeals Related to Provisional Detention, Filed by Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith, and Khieu Samphan, Case No. 002/19–09–2007–ECCC/OCIJ (PTC01) (Feb. 22, 2008).
10 Co–prosecutors’ Submission on Civil Party Participation in Provisional Detention Appeals, Case No. 002/19–09–2007–ECCC/OCIJ (PTC 01) (Feb. 22, 2008).
11 ECCC Internal Rules, supra note 7, Rule 23(6)(a).
12 Cambodian Crim. Proc. Code, Arts. 259, 260, at <Google Scholar (in French).
13 UN Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, GA Res. 40/34, annex (Nov. 29, 1985).
14 Prosecutor v. Lubanga Dyilo, Judgment on the Appeal of Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo Against the Décision of Pre–trial Chamber I Entitled “Decision sur la demande de mise en liberte provisoire de Thomas Lubanga Dyilo,” Case No. ICC–01/04–01/06–284, paras. 40, 45, 55 (Int’l Crim. Ct. App. Chamber, Feb. 13, 2007); Prosecutor v. Lubanga Dyilo, Decision on Victims’ Participation, Case No. 01/04–01/06–1119, para. 101 (Int’l Crim. Ct. Trial Chamber I, Jan. 18, 2008).
15 Press Release, ECCC Rules Committee Releases Draft Internal Rules (Nov. 3, 2006), at <.Google Scholar
16 Civil–law countries vary in the rights of participation given to victims. Amicus Brief by Christoph Safferling, Case No. 002/19–09–2007–ECCC/OCIJ (PTC01) (Feb. 22, 2008) [hereinaftet Safferling Amicus Brief].
17 War Crimes Research Office, Victim Participation Before The International Criminal Court 8–11 (2007), at <.Google Scholar
18 Id. at 8–9.
19 For example, victims may be able to bring information relevant to charges that were ignored by the prosecution until that point. Amicus Brief by Redress, International Federation of Human Rights, and Avocats Sans Frontières, Case No. 002/19–09–2007–ECCC/OCIJ (PTC01), para. 14 (Feb. 21, 2008).
20 War Crimes Research Office, supra note 17, at 11–14.
21 See supra note 14.
22 Wilkins, Georgia Victims in Emotional, Legal Limbo over Participation at the KR Trial , Phnom Penh Post, Sept. 10, 2008, available at <.Google Scholar
23 E.g., Marie–Bénédicte, Dembour & Haslam, Emily Silencing Hearings? Victim–Witnesses at War Crimes Trials , 15 Eur. J. Int’l L. 151 (2004).Google Scholar
24 These factors are considered in deciding whether to detain charged persons. ECCC Internal Rules, supra note 7, Rule 63(3) (b).
25 Id., Rule 63(3)(a).
26 Safferling Amicus Brief, supra note 16, at 3.
27 So, Farina Google Scholar
28 Thomas, Sarah Article on the Victim Participation Project, at <.Google Scholar
29 ECCC, Practice Direction 02/2007, Art. 3(2)(c).
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