Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Pleasant, Darryl
Documentary Evidence for the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Location of the Adaes Indians.
Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State,
McKinnon, Duncan P.
Landscape as a Ritual Object: Exploring Some Thoughts on Organized Space in the Great Bend Region in Southwestern Arkansas.
Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State,
Trubitt, Mary B.
Evans, Linda
Revisiting a Historic Manuscript: Vere Huddleston’s Report on East Place (3CL21) Excavations.
Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State,
McKinnon, Duncan
Distribution of Design: The Rayed Circle.
Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State,
Starr, Joanne D.
The Adair Site: Caddo Relations through Ceramic Analysis.
Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State,
Trubitt, Mary B.
Effigy Pottery in the Joint Educational Consortium’s Hodges Collection.
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McKinnon, Duncan P.
Nguyen, Ryan
Yeager, Tyler
Bush, Leslie L.
Salvage along the Red River: The Red Cox (3LA18) Site and its Place on the Caddo Landscape.
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Trubitt, Mary Beth D.
Caddo Pottery from Eight Sites in the Middle Ouachita River Valley.
Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State,
Trubitt, Mary Beth
A Preliminary Comparison of Two Caddo Mound Sites in Southwest Arkansas.
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