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Editorial board
Editor-in Chief

Professor Amaresh Chakrabarti, Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing |Indian Institute of Science |Bangalore 560012|India
[email protected]

Associate Editors

Professor Gaetano Cascini, Politecnico di Milano | Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano MI | Italy
[email protected]

Professor Katherine Fu, Mechanical Engineering Building Office 2055|University of Wisconsin|Madison, WI 53706|USA
[email protected]

Professor Hitoshi Komoto, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) | Japan
[email protected]

Professor Jianxi Luo, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)|Singapore
[email protected]

Professor Joshua Summers, Department of Mechanical Engineering |The University of Texas at Dallas |USA
[email protected]

Professor Ashutosh Tiwari, Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering (ACSE)|University of Sheffield|Sheffield, S1 3JD
[email protected]

Professor Yong Zeng, Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex,|1515 St. Catherine W.
[email protected]

Editorial Board

Professor Frances Brazier, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
[email protected]

Professor David C. Brown, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
[email protected]

Professor Jonathan Cagan, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
[email protected]

Professor Matthew Campbell, University of Texas at Austin, USA
[email protected]

Professor Ellen Yi-Luen Do, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
[email protected]

Professor Alex H.B. Duffy, University of Strathclyde, UK
[email protected]

Professor Donal Finn, University College, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
[email protected]

Professor John S. Gero, George Mason University, Fairfax, USA
[email protected]

Professor Ashok K. Goel, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
[email protected]

Dr Kazjon Grace, The University of Sydney, Australia
[email protected]

Professor Roderick A. Grupen, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA
[email protected]

Dr Sean Hanna, University College London, UK
[email protected]

Yan Jin, University of Southern California, USA
[email protected]

Dr Mark Klein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
[email protected]

Dr John C. Kunz, Stanford University, USA
[email protected]

Professor Chris McMahon, University of Bristol, UK
[email protected]

Professor Wolfgang Nejdl, Institut für Verteilte Systeme, Hannover, Germany
[email protected]

Professor Panos Papalambros, University of Michigan, USA
[email protected]

Dr H. Van Dyke Parunak, ABC Research, Ann Arbor, USA
[email protected]

Professor William C. Regli, Institute for System Research, Clark School of Engineering, The University of Maryland at College Park, USA
[email protected]

Professor Warren Seering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
[email protected]

Professor Li Shu, University of Toronto, Canada
[email protected]

Professor Robert Stone, Oregon State University, USA
[email protected]

Professor Rudi Stouffs, National University of Singapore, Singapore
[email protected]

Professor Markus Stumptner, University of South Australia, Australia
[email protected]

Professor Tetsuo Tomiyama, The International Professional University of Technology in Tokyo, Japan
[email protected]

Professor Kristin Wood, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
[email protected]

Professor Maria Yang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
[email protected]