When the Royal Aeronautical Society did me the honour several weeks ago of asking me to give a lecture on sound-proofing of aircraft, I hoped to be able to prepare a formal paper and read it to you. I did not realise at that time, however, that my temporary duties as consulting engineer to the civil aircraft division of the French Air Ministry would take practically all my time. So I arrived in London with only the scantiest notes and shall be obliged to talk more or less extemporaneously on the broader subject of comfort in air travel. I hope that I may have the opportunity to supplement this lecture by a more elaborate paper at a later time.
1 Sperry Gyroscope Company, Inc., Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A., and London, England.
2 Ref. 1. P. R. Bassett, “Passenger Comfort in Air Transportation,” Journal Inst. Ae. Sc, February, 1935.
3 Ref 2. “The Decibel,” by the Author—“Sperryscope,” Vol. 6, No. 11; also “The Decibel.” by the Author—“Aeronautical Engineering,” February, 1933, Vol. 3, No. 2, page 19; and “Du Decibel,” by R. S. Lacape—“Revue de l'Armee de l'Air,” No. 77, December, 1935, p. 1404; also “Electrical Engineering,” November, 1933, and “Bulletin American Standards Association,” July, 1933.
4 Journal R. Ae. Soc, Vol. 35, No. 248, page 676.
5 Rel 3. Report No. 526.
6 Obata—Tokio Imperial University, June, 1933.
7 Ref. 4. U.S. Air Commerce Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 12, December, 1932.
8 Ref. 5. “A Study of Instrument Board Vibration,” S.A.E., October, 1931, p. 263.
9 “Vibration of Instrument Board and Aeroplane Structure,” S.A.E., September, 1932, both papers by the Author.
10 Shear type mountings are manufactured by the Lord Mfg. Co. in Erie, Pa. (U.S.A.).
11 Ref. 6. Steward and Lindsay, “Acoustics ” (The Van Nostrand Company).
12 Ref. 7. V. O. Knudsen, “Measurements and Calculation of Sound Insulation,” Journal Acoustical Society, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1932.
13 Ref. 8. V. O. Knudsen, “Measurements and Calculation of Sound Insulation,” Journal Acoustical Society, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1932.
14 T. Mayer and F. Knopfel, “Die Directive Wirkung des Schalles,” Physicalische Annalen. Leipzig, 1932.
15 “Sound-proofing of Airplane Cabins,” Chrisler and Snyder, Research Paper No. 63 Bureau of Standards.
16 Ref. 9. Crandall, “Theory of Vibrating Systems and Sound,” D. Van Nostrand Company.
17 Ref. 10. U.S. Patent 2,029,441.
18 “Acoustics and the Aeroplane,” by S. J. Zand, S.A.E. Journal (Transactions), Vol. 34, No. 2, page 44.
19 Transcontinental & Western Air Inc.
20 Eastern Airlines Inc.