- Cited by 8
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2013. Neuropsychological Neurology. p. 72.
Zueva, I. V,. 2013. VASCULAR COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT: POSSIBLE MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT. "Arterial’naya Gipertenziya" ("Arterial Hypertension"), Vol. 19, Issue. 4, p. 326.
Đukić, Nenad Nešković, Mihailo Ševković, Milorad and Radak, Đorđe 2016. Vascular dementia revised. Medicinska istrazivanja, Vol. 50, Issue. 2, p. 23.
Lim, Jae-Sung 2017. Stroke Revisited: Diagnosis and Treatment of Ischemic Stroke. p. 343.
Wang, Chao Xu, Jin Zhao, Songzhen and Lou, Wutao 2019. Identification of Early Vascular Dementia Patients With EEG Signal. IEEE Access, Vol. 7, Issue. , p. 68618.
2020. Language in Dementia. p. 43.
Cummings, Louise 2020. Language in Dementia.
Beltrán-Rodríguez, Iria García-Talavera Casado, Laura Durán-Borrella, Óscar González-Feito, Patricia Sánchez-Serrano, Irene and de la Fuente Blanco, Rebeca 2022. Post-Stroke Rehabilitation.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- September 2009
- Print publication year:
- 2009
- Online ISBN:
- 9780511575976