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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
September 2009
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Book description

How can theology think and talk about history? Building on the work of the major twentieth-century theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar as well as entering into sharp critical debate with him, this book sets out to examine the value and the potential of a 'theodramatic' conception of history. By engaging in dialogue not only with theologians and philosophers like von Balthasar, Hegel and Barth, but with poets and dramatists such as the Greek tragedians, Shakespeare and Gerard Manley Hopkins, the book makes its theological principles open and indebted to literary forms, and seeks to show how such a theology might be applied to a world intrinsically and thoroughly historical. By contrast with theologies that stand back from the contingencies of history and so fight shy of the uncertainties and openness of Christian existence, this book's theology is committed to taking seriously the God who works in time.


Reviews of the hardback:'This book is, throughout, an invigorating and challenging read.'

Source: Church Times

'… scholars interested in the relationships between nature, grace and history, will find this work very stimulating and illuminating. It is also beautifully written, it contains valuable bibliographical references, and it is not scared to be interdisciplinary.'

Source: International Journal of Systematic Theology

'There is much to praise in this book, not least of which is its articulate insistence that Christian theologians (and, I would add, philosophers) need to be far more modest in their claims to have discerned God's presence and plans amid history's turbulent flow. Quash succeeds, sometimes brilliantly, in exposing some of the epic meanderings in von Balthasar's vast corpus.'

Source: Scottish Journal of Theology

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Select bibliography
Works by Hans Urs von Balthasar
Das Herz der Welt (Zürich, 1945)
Heart of the World (San Francisco, 1979)
Thérèse von Lisieux: Geschichte einer Sendung (Cologne/Olten, 1951)
Thérèse of Lisieux: A Story of a Mission (London, 1953)
Karl Barth: Darstellung und Deutung seiner Theologie (Einsiedeln, 1976; first published 1951)
The Theology of Karl Barth (San Francisco, 1992)
Elisabeth von Dijon und ihre geistliche Sendung (Cologne/Olten, 1952)
Elisabeth of Dijon (London, 1956)
Das betrachtende Gebet (Einsiedeln, 1955)
Prayer (London, 1961)
Parole et Mystère chez Origène (Paris, 1957)
Theologie der Geschichte (Einsiedeln, 1959)
A Theology of History (New York and London, 1963)
Verbum Caro: Skizzen zur Theologie I (Einsiedeln, 1960)
The Word Made Flesh: Explorations in Theology I (San Francisco, 1989)
Sponsa Verbi: Skizzen zur Theologie II (Einsiedeln, 1960)
Spouse of the Word: Explorations in Theology II (San Francisco, 1991)
Herrlichkeit: Eine theologische Ästhetik I: Schau der Gestalt (Einsiedeln, 1961)
The Glory of the Lord I: Seeing the Form (Edinburgh, 1982)
Herrlichkeit: Eine theologische Ästhetik II: Fächer der Stile (Einsiedeln, 1962)
The Glory of the Lord II: Studies in Theological Style: Clerical Styles (Edinburgh, 1984)
The Glory of the Lord III: Studies in Theological Style: Lay Styles (Edinburgh, 1986)
Das Ganze im Fragment (Einsiedeln, 1963)
Man in History (London and Sydney, 1967)
Glaubhaft ist nur Liebe (Einsiedeln, 1963)
Love Alone: The Way of Revelation (London, 1968)
Der Kreuzweg der St.-Hedwigs-Kathedrale in Berlin (Mainz, 1964)
The Way of the Cross (New York and London, 1969)
Herrlichkeit: Eine theologische Ästhetik III/1: Im Raum der Metaphysik (Einsiedeln, 1965)
The Glory of the Lord IV: The Realm of Metaphysics in Antiquity (Edinburgh, 1989)
The Glory of the Lord V: The Realm of Metaphysics in the Modern Age (Einsiedeln, 1991)
Rechenschaft 1965 (Einsiedeln, 1965)
‘In Retrospect’ in John Riches (ed.), The Analogy of Beauty: The Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar (Edinburgh, 1986)
Cordula oder der Ernstfall (Einsiedeln, 1966)
The Moment of Christian Witness (New York, 1968)
Herrlichkeit: Eine theologische Ästhetik III/2.1: Alter Bund (Einsiedeln, 1967)
The Glory of the Lord VI: Theology: The Old Covenant (Edinburgh, 1991)
Spiritus Creator: Skizzen zur Theologie III (Einsiedeln, 1967)
Creator Spirit: Explorations in Theology III (San Francisco: 1993)
Erster Blick auf Adrienne von Speyr (Einsiedeln, 1967)
First Glance at Adrienne von Speyr (San Francisco, 1981)
‘Mysterium Paschale’ in J. Feiner and M. Löhrer (eds.), Mysterium Salutis III/2 (Einsiedeln/Cologne, 1970)
Mysterium Paschale (Edinburgh, 1990)
Herrlichkeit: Eine theologische Ästhetik III/2.2: Neuer Bund (Einsiedeln, 1969)
The Glory of the Lord VII: Theology: The New Covenant (Edinburgh, 1989)
Klarstellungen: Zur Prüfung der Geister (Freiburg, 1971)
Elucidations (London, 1975)
Der Wahrheit ist symphonisch: Aspekte des christlichen Pluralismus (Einsiedeln, 1973)
Theodramatik I: Prolegomena (Einsiedeln, 1973)
Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory I: Prolegomena (San Francisco, 1988)
Der antirömische Affekt (Freiburg, 1974)
The Office of Peter and the Structure of the Church (San Francisco, 1986)
Pneuma und Institution: Skizzen zur Theologie IV (Einsiedeln, 1974)
Spirit and Institution: Explorations in Theology IV (San Francisco, 1995)
Theodramatik II/1: Die Personen des Spiels: Der Mensch in Gott (Einsiedeln, 1977)
Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory II: Dramatis Personae: Man in God (San Francisco, 1990)
Christlicher Stand (Einsiedeln, 1977)
The Christian State of Life (San Francisco, 1983)
Theodramatik II/2: Die Personen des Spiels: Die Personen in Christus (Einsiedeln, 1978)
Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory III: Dramatis Personae: Persons in Christ (San Francisco, 1992)
Neue Klarstellungen (Einsiedeln, 1979)
New Elucidations (San Francisco, 1986)
Fibel für verunsicherte Laien (Einsiedeln, 1980)
A Short Primer for Unsettled Laymen (San Francisco, 1985)
Theodramatik III: Die Handlung (Einsiedeln, 1980)
Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory IV: The Action (San Francisco, 1994)
Theodramatik IV: Das Endspiel (Einsiedeln, 1983)
Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory V: The Last Act (San Francisco, 1998)
Theologik I: Wahrheit der Welt (Einsiedeln, 1983)
Theologik II: Wahrheit Gottes (Einsiedeln, 1985)
Theologik III: Der Geist der Wahrheit (Einsiedeln, 1987)
The Von Balthasar Reader, Medard, Kehl and Werner, Löser (eds.), Robert J. Daly and Fred Lawrence (trans.) (Edinburgh: T and T Clark, 1982)
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