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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
December 2009
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Religion, Theology

Book description

Theology of religions is an area of theological reflection on inter-religious relations which raises fundamental questions for all people of faith in a pluralist, post-modern world. How to practise a religious faith with integrity while respecting other claims to ultimate truth? Must 'the other' always be regarded as a problematic complication on the fringes of a Christianity-centred world? Is there a 'third way' between an all-dominating exclusivism and a vapid relativism? This book contributes to the debate about the place of inter-religious relations in the life of the Church by developing a 'theology of dialogue'. In offering a critique of much current thinking in this area, Michael Barnes SJ proposes instead a theology rooted in the themes of welcome and hospitality. He argues for a vision of Christianity as a 'school of faith', a community called not just to teach others but to learn from them as well.


‘Michael Barnes’s book is eirenic, profound and original.’

Source: Church Times

‘Barnes’ great strength is that he combines a grasp of this daunting philosophical material with the wisdom born of a firm grounding in the messy actualities of inter-faith relations.’

Michael Ipgrave Source: Theology

‘This book is worth reading … A dialogue of religions - learning how to talk - is all the more important in current times. Theology and the Dialogue of Religions is not a final word. it is an invitation to further reflection.’

Source: The Heythrop Journal

‘… an important book. Barnes has developed a new approach within the field.’

Source: Reviews in Religion and Theology

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