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  • Cited by 57
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
September 2009
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Book description

The Lund model, inspired by quantum chromodynamics, has provided a very promising approach to the dynamics of quark and gluon interactions. Starting with a brief reprise of basic concepts in relativity, quantum mechanics of fields and particle physics, this 1998 book discusses: the dynamics of the massless relativistic string; confinement; causality and relativistic covariance; Lund fragmentation processes; QED and QCD Bremsstrahlung; multiplicities and particle-parton distributions. Throughout the book, theory is confronted with current experimental data, and implications for future experiments are also considered. The book also explores the relationships between the Lund model and other models based on field theory (the Schwinger model, S-matrix models, light-cone algebra physics and variations of the parton model), and models based on statistical mechanics (the Feynman-Wilson gas, scaling, iterative cascade models).


‘The monograph is well written and contains many physical insights. It is an authoritative source of information on models, originating in Lund, which form the basis of Monte Carlo programmes that are widely used in the analysis of data in the collisions of high energy particles. It will be of value to experimental and theoretical particle physicists alike.’

A. D. Martin Source: Contemporary Physics

‘… a fine reference work which every decent science library should have.’

Brian L. Burrows Source: Zentralblatt MATH

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