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Public opinion has played a crucial role in the transitions from war to peace in Israel since the 1967 Six Day war. Security Threatened is the first major analysis of the interactions among opinion, politics and policy in that period, based on opinion surveys of thousands of adult Jews conducted between 1962 and 1994. The public divided during those years into militant hardliners and more conciliatory security positions, and power either shifted between, or was shared by, the Likud and Labour parties. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, with the onset of the intifada, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the American victory in the Gulf War, all segments of the Israeli public became more conciliatory. Policy initiatives reflected shifts in political power which in turn magnified changes in public opinion. Leaders were constrained by public opinion and by perceptions of threat, but they could also alter policy if they had the will because opinion was rather equally divided; since most people had their minds made up, the opposition could not block their policy.


"Arian's book is a must for anyone who is interested in understanding the complexity of the Israeli public opinion regarding the country's security concerns. This understanding is a necessary condition for comprehending the dynamics of the peace process in the Middle East in which the polarized Israeli public opinion plays an important role." Contemporary Psychology

"Asher Adrian's comprehensive and systematic work is excellent and deserves to be read by all who are interested in the opinions of Israelis on politics and society and on matters of security, peace and war." Middle East Journal

"The book is valuable as a reference to issues and findings in Israeli political-attitude research...very detailed analysis in Security Threatened." International Journal of Middle East Studies

"Despite the extensive use of pollsters' jargon...the study overall is of immense value to any student of the Israeli political scene. It is one of the most useful tools in helping to understand contemporary trends in the country's politics, the whys and wherefores of recent policy shifts, and the dilemmas facing the recent prime ministers, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, and Benjamin Netanyahu." Don Peretz, Journal of Palestine Studies

"...this study has great value for students of public opinion surveys throughout the world, and for those interested in Israel specifically. Its value is enhaced by Arian's meticulous attention to detail and the professional expertise he brings to the task." Frank Tachau, Journal of Politics

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