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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
October 2016
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Book description

Pierre Boulez is acknowledged as one of the most important composers in contemporary musical life. This collection explores his works, influence, reception and legacy, shedding new light on Boulez's music and its historical and cultural contexts. In two sections that focus firstly on the context of the 1940s and 1950s, and secondly on the development of the composer's style, the contributors address recurring themes such as Boulez's approach to the serial principle and the related issues of form and large-scale structure. Featuring excerpts from Boulez's correspondence with a range of his contemporaries here published for the first time, the book illuminates both Boulez's relationship with them and his thinking concerning the challenges which confronted both him and other leading figures of the European avant-garde. In the final section, three chapters examine Boulez's relationship with audiences in the United Kingdom, and the development of the appreciation of his music.


'By bringing together a substantial amount of recent scholarship in a highly accessible format, this collection of essays should open up numerous avenues for exploration and have a significant impact on future research in this area. … The availability of groundbreaking scholarship that had previously only been published in other languages to the general English-speaking public will hopefully have an impact, broadening and refining understanding of his music. The diverse readership that this book targets through the accessibility of its content is clearly beneficial to its wider aim of disseminating scholarship on this relatively understudied repertoire.'

Catherine Losada Source: Music Theory Spectrum

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Other Sources

Various collections of the following institutions and copyright holders have been consulted and are acknowledged in the text.

  • Archives et Musée de la Littérature, Brussels

  • BBC Written Archives Centre, Caversham

  • Bibliothèque nationale de France

  • The British Library, William Glock Collection

  • Brussels, Private archives

  • The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles

  • Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt

  • National Library of Scotland

  • Paris, Musée de la musique

  • Paul Sacher Stiftung, Basel:

    • Sammlung Pierre Boulez

    • Sammlung René Leibowitz

    • Sammlung Henri Pousseur

    • Sammlung Karlheinz Stockhausen

  • Stockhausen Stiftung, Kürten


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