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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
August 2012
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Do the movements of animals, including humans, follow patterns that can be described quantitatively by simple laws of motion? If so, then why? These questions have attracted the attention of scientists in many disciplines, and stimulated debates ranging from ecological matters to queries such as 'how can there be free will if one follows a law of motion?' This is the first book on this rapidly evolving subject, introducing random searches and foraging in a way that can be understood by readers without a previous background on the subject. It reviews theory as well as experiment, addresses open problems and perspectives, and discusses applications ranging from the colonization of Madagascar by Austronesians to the diffusion of genetically modified crops. The book will interest physicists working in the field of anomalous diffusion and movement ecology as well as ecologists already familiar with the concepts and methods of statistical physics.


'A work rich with examples of the ways in which animals move through their environment in quest of food and prey, with mathematical descriptions of such behavior, including Lévy walks, where the step-length distributions have power-law tails and searches can be optimum. This book expanded my horizons.'

Howard Berg - Herchel Smith Professor of Physics and Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, and author of Random Walks in Biology

'What does statistical physics have to do with animal foraging? This book demonstrates that simple statistical physics laws can describe, and lead to better understanding of, patterns of human and animal movements. I find the book of general interest to many scientific disciplines, since it shows the broadness and universality features of the laws of nature, which are based on fundamental principles such as optimal processes. I find the book well written and easy to follow even for readers without earlier background.'

Shlomo Havlin - Bar Ilan University

'Essential reading for anyone interested in animal foraging. This is the first comprehensive treatment of anomalous diffusion, and integrates deep theory and empirical work through an elegant narrative. Highly recommended.'

Simon Levin - Moffett Professor of Biology, Princeton University

'An exciting rich blend of theory, data, and speculation, The Physics of Foraging is at once both cutting edge and ahead of its time. The Lévy flight approach, and its variants, are novel with the good news for researchers that there are more open than solved problems.'

Michael Shlesinger - Office of Naval Research

'This book provides an authoritative account of how random search and encounter theories used in the physical sciences are yielding new insights in biology and ecology. This important book offers new directions for studying the mechanisms and functions underlying organism movements, behaviour and interactions. As such, it promises to be a leading light in illuminating a much deeper understanding of how and why organisms go where they do at certain times, and the value to them of such strategies.'

David Sims - Deputy Director (Research) and Senior Research Fellow, Marine Biological Association of the UK

'This small volume has plenty of examples to maintain readability yet is balanced with solid background theory. It would be an asset to ecologists who are less familiar with statistical physics methods seeking to explain or predict animal movements.'

Source: The Biologist

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