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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
December 2024
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Elements in the Economics of Emerging Markets

Book description

The Global South consists of emerging nations with increasing economic and political strength, drawing attention to their unique leadership challenges and opportunities. Visionary leaders from the Global South leverage their political and economic influence to challenge the status quo and reshape the global order. Thus, Global South's leadership has the potential for a revolutionary future, defined by its distinctive experiences, creative energy, and dedication to a more sustainable global order. This Element promotes a new paradigm shift by acknowledging the regions as a unique leadership concept rather than a geographical classification. The Global South Leadership Index identifies new players, agendas, and pathways to provide a framework for other countries who want to follow suit. The Element sidesteps labeling leaders explicitly with terms like democratic or dictatorial. It allows readers to interpret the governance style and leadership dynamics for themselves, resulting in a more nuanced understanding.


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