- Cited by 5
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Ezcurra, Mara Polgovsky 2012. Zona De Dolor: Body and Mysticism in Diamela Eltit's Video-Performance Art. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Vol. 21, Issue. 4, p. 517.
Scarabelli, Laura 2017. Donde no habite el olvido. p. 239.
Tille-Victorica, Nancy 2017. “Bibliodiversidad y género en América Latina: El valioso modelo de la editorial Cuarto Propio en Chile”. The Latin Americanist, Vol. 61, Issue. 1, p. 93.
Calabrese, Giuliana 2017. Donde no habite el olvido. p. 255.
Lazo-González, Denisse 2021. A Failed Link between Chilean Workers’ Subversive Past and Submissive Present in Diamela Eltit’sMano de obra. Latin American Research Review, Vol. 56, Issue. 3, p. 655.
- Publisher:
- Boydell & Brewer
- Online publication date:
- May 2023
- Print publication year:
- 2007
- Online ISBN:
- 9781846155338
- Subjects:
- Literature, Area Studies, European Literature, European Studies
- Series:
- Monografías A