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  • Cited by 223
  • Andrew Crane, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Dirk Matten, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Jeremy Moon, Nottingham University Business School
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
September 2009
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Book description

It is widely accepted that corporations have economic, legal, and even social roles. Yet the political role of corporations has yet to be fully appreciated. Corporations and Citizenship serves as a corrective by employing the concept of citizenship in order to make sense of the political dimensions of corporations. Citizenship offers a way of thinking about roles and responsibilities among members of polities and between these members and their governing institutions. Crane, Matten and Moon provide a rich and multi-faceted picture that explores three relations of citizenship – corporations as citizens, corporations as governors of citizenship, and corporations as arenas of citizenship for stakeholders – as well as three contemporary reconfigurations of citizenship – cultural (identity-based), ecological, and cosmopolitan citizenship. The book revolutionizes not only our understanding of corporations but also of citizenship as a principle of allocating power and responsibility in a political community.


‘This book offer a comprehensive, authoritative and thought provoking discussion of corporate citizenship, but it does more than explore a key theme in contemporary society. It reflects on whether corporations are transformative in and of political arenas, thus contributing to the continuing search for a political theory of the firm.’

Wyn Grant - Professor of Politics, University of Warwick

‘A comprehensive and sophisticated analysis of the implications of understanding the corporation as a citizen. It should stimulate fresh thinking about the political, social and environmental responsiblities of the firm and the role it can and should play in contemporary society.’

David Vogel - Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

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