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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2015
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An Introduction to Space Plasma Complexity considers select examples of complexity phenomena related to observed plasma processes in the space environment, such as those pertaining to the solar corona, the interplanetary medium, and Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere. This book provides a guided tour of the ideas behind forced and/or self-organized criticality, intermittency, multifractals, and the theory of the dynamic renormalization group, with applications to space plasma complexity. There is much to be explored and studied in this relatively new and developing field. Readers will be able to apply the concepts and methodologies espoused in this introduction to their own research interests and activities.


'… the book is both readable and authoritative. It is written by an expert practitioner and provides a challenging and rewarding read for students as well as for professionals …'

Terry Robinson Source: The Observatory

'[An Introduction to Space Plasma Complexity] will be primarily of special interest to students and researchers in the field of space plasma to learn how ideas coming from the theory of complexity can be applied and explain some complex phenomena occurring in the space plasma environment. Nevertheless, I believe it can be also useful for theoretical physicists and applied mathematicians interested in the applications of ideas of non-linear dynamics, statistical physics and complex systems to a field which is not sufficiently well known.'

Miguel A. F. Sanjuán Source: Contemporary Physics

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