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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
November 2009
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This book argues that the modern separation of humanity from nature can be traced to the displacement of the triune God. Locating the source of our current ecological crisis in this separation, Peter Scott argues that it can only be healed within theology, through a revival of a Trinitarian doctrine of creation interacting with political philosophies of ecology. Drawing insights from deep ecology, ecofeminism, and social and socialist ecologies, Scott proposes a common realm of God, nature and humanity. Both Trinitarian and political, the theology of this common realm is worked out by reference to Christ and Spirit. Christ's resurrection is presented as the liberation and renewal of ecological relations in nature and society, the movement of the Holy Spirit is understood as the renewal of fellowship between humanity and nature through ecological democracy, and the Eucharist is proposed as the principal political resource Christianity offers for an ecological age.


‘The work is stimulating and informative, and is likely to advance a Christian engagement with the issues.’

Source: Church Times

‘… the book is both persuasive and evocative and worthy of a wide readership.’

Source: Reviews in Religion and Theology

' … a valuable resource for those interested in engaging with current thinking in this are … its originality and power warrant careful and serious attention.'

Source: Crucible

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