In the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO), which accounts for over half of world
tuna production, purse seine effort and catch on floating objects have increased
significantly due to a rapid increase in the use of fixed and free-floating fish
aggregation devices (FADs). FAD fishing has had an impact on the current status of the
stocks of the three main target tunas in the equatorial WCPO, skipjack (Katsuwonus
pelamis), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye (T.
obesus). FADs have been shown to influence the behaviour and movement patterns
of the three tuna species with the juveniles of each species occupying shallower habitats
when associated with FADs. Aggregation of tunas around drifting objects increases their
vulnerability to purse seine gear, particularly for juvenile and small size classes.
Further to the impacts on the target stocks, the use of FADs has increased the
vulnerability of other fishes to the purse seine method, including some shark and billfish
species. Given the concern over FAD-related fishing effort on target and bycatch species,
there is a need to understand how FAD use affects target and bycatch stocks. Science needs
to better support management decisions are highlighted including the need to identify the
magnitude of broader community-level affects.