Magic and impotence in the Middle Ages. By Catherine Rider. Pp. xiv+254. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. £50. 0 19 928222 6; 978 0 19 928222 7
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- 09 April 2008, pp. 320-321
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Images of medieval sanctity. Essays in honour of Gary Dickson. Edited by Debra Higgs Strickand. (Visualising the Middle Ages, 1.) Pp. xxiv+245 incl. frontispiece+39 plates. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2007. €129. 978 90 04 16053 8; 1874 0448
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- 14 July 2008, pp. 536-537
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The Anglo-Saxon library. By Michael Lapidge. Pp. xiv+407. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. £65. 0 19 926722 7; 978 0 19 926722 4
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- 17 October 2008, pp. 735-738
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Reorientations of western thought from antiquity to the Renaissance. By F. Edward Cranz (ed. Nancy Struever). (Collected Studies, 840.) Pp. xxiv+374. Aldershot–Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006. £62.50. 10 0 86078 983 7; 13 978 0 86078 983 3
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Fragments of history. Rethinking the Ruthwell and Bewcastle monuments. By Fred Orton and Ian Wood. (with Clare A. Lees). Pp. xvi+279 incl. 73 figs+4 colour plates. Manchester–New York: Manchester University Press, 2007. £17.99 (paper). 978 0 7190 7256 7; 978 0 7190 7257 4
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Untersuchungen zum biographischen Werk Sigeberts von Gembloux. By Tino Licht. Pp. xii+203 incl. frontispiece and 4 ills. Heidelberg: Mattes, 2005. €40. 3 930978 76 8
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Albert of Aachen. Historia Ierosolimitana. History of the journey to Jerusalem. Edited and translated by Susan B. Edgington. (Oxford Medieval Texts.) Pp. lxi+949 incl. 5 maps and 1 fig. Oxford: Clarendon, 2007. £120. 0 19 920486 1; 978 0 19 920486 1
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Literacy in Lombard Italy, c. 568–774. By Nicholas Everett. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4th Ser., 53.) Pp. xiv+386. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. £50. 0 521 81905 9; 0 521 79639 3
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- 07 February 2008, pp. 104-105
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Burgesses and burgess law in the Latin kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus (1099–1325). By Marwan Nader. Pp. xi+225 incl. frontispiece. Aldershot–Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006. £55. 13 978 0 7546 5687 6; 10 0 7546 5687 X
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The illustrated old English Hexateuch, Cotton Claudius B.iv. The frontier of seeing and reading in Anglo-Saxon England. By Benjamin C. Withers. Pp. xvi + 432 incl. 115 ills+CD ROM. London: The British Library/Toronto–Buffalo–London: University of Toronto Press, 2007. £45. 13 978 0 8020 9104 8; 10 0 8020 9104 0
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Making a Christian landscape. The countryside in early medieval Cornwall, Devon and Wessex. By Sam Turner. Pp. xviii+218 incl. 55 figs and 10 tables+16 colour plates. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2006. £55 (cloth), £20 (paper). 0 85989 774 5; 0 85989 785 0
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- 07 February 2008, pp. 106-107
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Die Reichschronik des Annalista Saxo. Edited by Klaus Nass. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores, 37.) Pp. xxix+752. Hanover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2006. €116. 3 7752 5537 0; 0343 2157
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St Nynia. With a translation of the Miracula Nynie episcopi and the Vita Niniani. By John MacQueen and Winifred MacQueen. Pp. viii+183+8 plates. Edinburgh: Birlinn (John Donald), 2005 (first publ. 1990 by Polygon Books). £9.99 (paper). 10: 0 85976 596 2; 13: 978 0 85976 596 1
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- 07 February 2008, pp. 107-108
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The Dominicans and the pope. Papal teaching authority in the medieval and early modern Thomist tradition. By Ulrich Horst (trans. James D. Mixson). (The Conway Lectures in Medieval Studies, 2002.) Pp. xi+132. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006. $29 (paper). 13 978 0 268 03077 3; 10 0 268 03077 4
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The crusades and the expansion of Catholic Christendom, 1000–1714. By John France. Pp. xi+380 incl. frontispiece, 6 maps and 3 figs. London–New York: Routledge, 2005. £16.99 (paper). 0 415 37127 9; 0 415 37128 7 - The Routledge companion to the crusades. By Peter Lock. (Routledge Companions to History.) Pp. x+532. London–New York: Routledge, 2006. £16.99 (paper). 10 0 415 24732 2; 13: 9 78 0 415 24732 0; 10 0 415 39312 4; 13: 9 78 0 415 39312 6
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Representations of power in medieval Germany, 800–1500. Edited by Björn Weiler and Simon MacLean. (International Medieval Research, 16.) Pp. xvi+352 incl. 16 ills. Turnhout: Brepols, 2006. €60. 10 2 503 51815 X
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- 14 July 2008, pp. 540-541
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Conrad II, 990–1039. Emperor of three kingdoms. By Herwig Wolfram. (Trans. by Denise A. Kaiser of Konrad II, 990–1039: Kaiser dreier Reiche, Munich: Beck'sche, 2000.) Pp. xx + 475 incl. 2 maps and 17 figs. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006. $60. 0 271 02738 X
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Knighthoods of Christ. Essays on the history of the crusades and the Knights Templar, presented to Malcolm Barber. Edited by Norman Housley. Pp. xxi+257 incl. 2 genealogical tables, 7 figs and 2 maps. Aldershot–Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. £55. 13 978 0 7546 5527 5
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Viking pirates and Christian princes. Dynasty, religion, and empire in the north Atlantic. By Benjamin Hudson. Pp. xiv+278 incl. 4 figs and 9 maps. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. £22.50. 13 978 0 19 516237 0; 0 19 516237 4
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- 07 February 2008, pp. 108-110
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The saintly politics of Catherine of Siena. By F. Thomas Luongo. Pp. xvii+233. Ithaca–London: Cornell University Press, 2006. £20.95 ($39.95). 13 978 0 8014 4395 4; 10 0 8014 4395 4
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- 09 April 2008, pp. 324-325
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